

  英语作文中的通知范文(官方通知,口头通知,书面通知) 一.用英语书写正式的官方通知
  学校办公室通知,为了迎接“教师节”, 学校准备开会庆祝,校长将要在会上讲话,表彰三好学生(the three-good student),先进班级(the advanced class)和优秀教师(the model teacher),各班还准备了精彩节目. 时间:9月9日下午两点(星期三). 地点:学校大礼堂. 希望全体师生准时到会.
  注意:1.词数:100左右.2. 参考词汇:表彰to be commended
  In order to celebrate the Teachers’ Day, a meeting is to be held at the meeting hall at 2:00pm on Wednesday, Sep.9. Our headmaster will make a speech at the meeting. The three-good students, advanced classes and model teachers will be commended. Wonderful performances will be put on for celebration. All the teachers and students are required to attend the meeting on time. The School Office Sep. 8, 2005
  假如你是班长,学校决定对全体学生进行一次体检,请你用英语写一份书面通知。其时间安排和内容如下: 体检地点 市第二人民医院 体检时间 2007年10月19日上午 集合地点和时间 校门口,上午7:30
  交通 学校安排汽车接送,本班汽车号码是 粤C—36705 注意事项 体检前空腹
  [作文要求] 只能使用5个句子表达全部的内容。
  [作文评分标准] 句子结构的准确性,信息内容的完整性和连贯性。
  提供参考的通知作文范文: Notice
  Our headmaster has decided that all the students in our school will go to have a physical examination at the No. 2 People’s Hospital on the morning of Oct. 19, 2007. The school will arrange several buses to take us there. The bus number of our class is Yue C_36705. Please gather at 7:00 am at the school gate. Remember that we are required by the doctor not to eat anything until the examination is over.
  对象 全体团员 集合时间 7:00 集合地点 学校大门口 出发时间 8:00 其他 自带清洁工具
  [作文要求] 只能使用5个句子表达全部的内容。
  提供参考的口头通知作文范文: Dear classmates,
  I’ve something to tell you. The school League Committee has decided to organize a volunteer activity for the League members this weekend---to do general cleaning at the railway station . All the League members are required to gather at the school gate at 7:30 am on Sunday. We are to start for the station at 8:00 am . Please don’t forget to bring along with you cleaning tools.
  A student concert will be held at 2:30 this Friday afternoon in Rose Music Hall. Those who want to take part in it please remember that it is not allowed to have drinks as well as food there. Besides, what we should keep in mind is that we should not take photos or make noises during the performance, which will surely have a bad effect on it. Finally, all the students can go home after enjoying the wonderful performance. Wish you have a good time there!