

第1个回答  2022-06-05

一、 我喜欢那些善良且成熟的人,他们学会了缄默与体谅,且愿意对生活中那些小小的错误与无知报以善意。时光不长,光阴荏苒,重要的不是什么都拥有,而是你想要的恰好都在。

I like those kind and mature people who have learned to be silent and considerate, and are willing to repay the little mistakes and ignorance in life with kindness. Time is not long. Time is running fast. What matters is not having everything, but having exactly what you want.

二、从出生的那天起,我们的生命就在减少,无论我们多伟大或多渺小,无论我们多丑陋或多美貌,我们谁也躲不掉——我们唯一能做的就是,如何让自己平安地过一生,如何让自己幸福地过一生。From the day we were born, our lives are diminishing. No matter how great or small we are, no matter how ugly or beautiful we are, none of us can escape from it. The only thing we can do is how to live our lives safely and happily.

三、同样的环境,同样的工作,却有如此截然不同的感受。事实上,心有多大,舞台就有多大。如果你认为自己做的事情只是在重复地做无用功,那么你就真的是在做无用功;如果你坚信自己是在做世界上最伟大的事情,那么它真的就是世界上最伟大的事——至少在你眼里是这样的。The same environment, the same job, but there are so different feelings. In fact, the stage is as big as the heart. If you think what you are doing is doing useless work over and over again, then you are really doing useless work; if you believe that you are doing the greatest thing in the world, then it is really the greatest thing in the world - at least in your eyes.

四、如果你想要找到一个真正爱你的人,千万不要听他说了什么,要看他做了什么,千万别看他在众人面前做了什么,而要看他无意之中做了什么。因为生活是过出来的,不是说出来了的。日子是两个人关起门过的,而不是演给大家看的。If you want to find someone who really loves you, don't listen to what he says. It depends on what he does. It depends on what he does in front of people. It depends on what he does unintentionally. Because life is lived, not spoken. Days are closed for two people, not for everyone to see.

五、有时候,朋友的一些言语做法也许会伤害了你,家人,同事的误会让自己苦恼;生活中很多事情让自己并不如意,甚至是痛不欲生。当有负面情绪的时候,不要说。管好自己的嘴,有时候做“哑巴”,是一种境界。Sometimes, a friend's words may hurt you, your family, your colleagues, and make you miserable. There are many things in life that make you unhappy, even painful. Don't say anything when you have negative emotions. Managing your mouth well and sometimes being dumb is a realm.

六、努力把平凡的日子堆砌成伟大的人生。每个人都会经过这个阶段,如果对一个事物的认识错误,但是又不愿接受别人的意见进行有效的改正,就会错上加错。固执并不是坚持的近义词。Efforts to build ordinary days into great life. Everyone will go through this stage. If we make a mistake in understanding a thing, but are unwilling to accept the opinions of others for effective correction, we will make more mistakes. Stubbornness is not synonymous with persistence.

七、过度考虑别人的感受,是一种对自己的不认同。当每做一件事都在考虑“别人怎么看”时,你其实已经在放弃自己了。总是活在别人眼神里的人,也等于从来不曾存在过。Overthinking others'feelings is a kind of disapproval of oneself. When you think about what other people think about everything you do, you are actually giving up on yourself. People who always live in other people's eyes are like people who never existed.

八、越长大越觉得,比起诉说自己的委屈与不甘,沉默最好。反正,你走你的,我活我的。或许每个人的心里,总会有一个人,你无数次说着要放弃,却始终舍不得。The older you grow up, the better you feel silence than complaining about your grievances and unwillingness. Anyway, you go, I live mine. Perhaps everyone's heart, there will always be a person, you said many times to give up, but always reluctant.

九、圈子决定人生,接近什么样的人,就会走什么样的路,所谓物以类聚,人以群分。牌友只会催你打牌,酒友只会催你干杯,而靠谱的人却会感染你如何取得进步。Circle decides what kind of person life is, and what kind of road people will take. The so-called "thing gathers by kind, people pide by group". Players will only urge you to play cards, drinkers will only urge you to drink, and reliable people will infect you how to make progress.

十、他可能是真的喜欢你,但这一点也不妨碍他喜欢别人,其实最遗憾的是从来都没有感受过那种被人坚定选择的感觉。就像是,他只是刚好需要,你只是刚好在。He may really like you, but that doesn't prevent him from liking others. In fact, the most regrettable thing is that he has never felt the feeling of being firmly chosen. It's like, he just needs it, you just happen to be there.

十一、人活一世,别指望每个人都对你好!有人欣赏你,有人诋毁你;有人看重你,有人冷落你;有人眷恋你,有人厌烦你。Don't expect everyone to be kind to you! Some people appreciate you, others slander you; some value you, some neglect you; some cherish you, some are tired of you.

十二、所谓的海誓山盟,不过是给自己一个仪式感,要熬得过柴米油盐才行。人生最大的勇敢之一,就是经历欺骗和伤害之后,还能保持信任和爱的能力。The so-called "vow of heaven and earth" is just to give oneself a sense of ritual, to survive firewood, rice, oil and salt. One of the greatest courage in life is the ability to maintain trust and love after experiencing deception and injury.


十四、冬天,我愿和你雪中漫步,不为浪漫,只求一路到白头。经受过严寒的人,才知道太阳的温暖;饱尝人生艰辛的人,才懂得生命的可贵!In winter, I would like to walk with you in the snow, not for romance, but all the way to white. Only those who have experienced severe cold know the warmth of the sun, and those who have tasted the hardships of life know the value of life.

十五、拥抱可以宽慰彼此,也能温暖人心。爱一个人,就要多抱抱她。未来规划不差你,只要让自己尽欢喜,任何烦恼都是天敌,不管别人还是你。Hugs can comfort each other and warm people's hearts. If you love someone, you should hold her more. Future planning is not bad for you, as long as you make yourself happy, any worries are natural enemies, no matter others or you.

十六、让人担心的时候,与其道歉,不如说“谢谢”!不要仗着宽容就肆无忌惮 有些人看起来好像是原谅你了 但其实是因为你已经不那么重要了When people are worried, it's better to say "thank you" than apologize. Don't be reckless with tolerance. Some people seem to forgive you, but it's because you're not that important anymore.

十七、 这世上,没有能回去的感情。就算真的回去了,你也会发现,一切已经面目全非。委屈了谁都可以,就是不能委屈了自己。两人,两条路,两个方向,哪怕是同时出发又如何?越走,你会发现,彼此的距离越遥不可及。In this world, there is no feeling to go back. Even if you really go back, you will find that everything is totally different. Anyone can be wronged, that is, he can not wronged himself. Two people, two roads, two directions, even if they start at the same time? The farther you go, the more distant you will find each other.

十八、 所有人和事,自己问心无愧就好,不是你的也别强求,反正离去的,都是风景,留下的,才是人生。你到底是不肯。我想过,我倘使不得不离开你,亦不致寻短见,亦不能够再爱别人,我将只是萎谢了!All people and things, their own conscience is good, not you also do not force, anyway, leaving is the scenery, leaving is life. You refuse to do it. I have thought that if I had to leave you, I would not be short-sighted, nor be able to love anybody else, I would just fade away!

十九、每个人真正强大起来都要度过一段没人帮忙,没人支持的日子。所有事情都是自己一个人撑,所有情绪都是只有自己知道。但只要咬牙撑过去,一切都不一样了。无论你是谁,无论你正在经历什么,坚持住,你定会看见最坚强的自己。Everyone who is really strong has to spend a period of time without help or support. Everything is supported by oneself, and all emotions are known only by oneself. But as long as you grind your teeth, everything will be different. No matter who you are, no matter what you are going through, stick to it, you will see the strongest self.

二十、喜欢你的人,总想时刻赖着你;讨厌你的人,只想早点甩掉你;想念你的人,总会主动联系你;敷衍你的人,只会慢慢冷落你。后来终于你成为了别人的故事,我也不再是那个讲故事的人,愿你安好,我不打扰。Those who like you always want to rely on you; those who hate you just want to get rid of you earlier; those who miss you will always contact you on their own initiative; those who perfunctory you will only slowly snub you. Finally, you become the story of others, I am no longer the storyteller, I wish you well, I do not disturb.

二十一、表白就是冒着以后连朋友都不能做的危险,去赌以后能正大光明牵你手拥抱你爱着你的机会。时间已逝,此情已淡,回忆回不去,何必互相牵绊,不如放手。Confession is to take the risk that even friends can't do it in the future, and to gamble on the opportunity to hold your hand and embrace you with justice and brightness. Time has passed, this situation has been light, recall can not go back, why should each other, let go.