


Text 1
M: Have you studied for tomorrow’s math test yet?
W: I sure have. I spent all weekend studying.
M: Well, I haven’t opened a book yet.
W: Well, you better start studying.You know you can’t pass Professor Johnston’s tests without studying.
M: But I want to go to the football game tonight.
W: I’m telling you the test will be difficult.
M: I guess it’s too late to start studying anyway.
W: If I were you, I’d really work hard tonight.
M: I’d sure hate to miss that game tonight, but...
W: Listen. Go to the game and I know you’ll be sorry.
M: I guess you’re right. Let’s eat something first and then I’ll go to the library.
W: OK. Let’s go.

Text 2
W: Can you get someone to bring my luggage down?
M: I’m afraid there is no one another at the moment. Could you possibly manage them on your own?
W: On my own?! Are you serious? They’re very heavy. I thought this was a three-star hotel. There must be somebody there who can help. What about you?
M: Me? Oh, I can’t leave the desk, madam. The only other person here is the manager, and he’s busy with a problem.
W: Tell him he’ll have a real problem on his hands if I miss my train because of your poor service.
M: I’ll see what I can do.

Text 3
My friend from Canada was in town last week and I showed him around, and, uh, it was really fun. I thought it was going to be, you know, a bit boring, you know, taking him here and there, but it, uh, I ended up seeing a part of my town I’d never seen before. Uh, we went to the zoo. Uh, we went to museums that I’d never seen before. Uh, and we also went to the opera one night. Oh, my gosh, it was just beautiful. And I had never been to the opera before. You know, when someone from out of town comes to visit, you end up doing things in your own city that you’d never thought of doing before. It was really great. The only thing is, uh, if I had it all to do all over again, I probably would work out our schedule for exactly what we’ll do on what day because some days we spent, you know, a couple of hours just trying to decide what to do.

Text 4
W: OK, Mr. Wilson. Can you go over the events as you remember them?
M: Um, I, I was on my way home from the chemist. It was about twenty-five to six. I’d just bought some medicine for my little boy and…
W: How can you be sure about the time?
M: Well, I’d just been to the chemist, as I say, and I remember saying to the girl, “Well, I suppose you must be glad the day’s over,” and she said, “Oh, no, not today, we do usually shut at 5:30, but it’s our late night tonight, unfortunately. We don’t shut until a quarter to eight, so another two and a quarter hours to go.”
W: So, it was 5:35.
M: Yes, and just as I was going to cross the road, I saw two men run out of the pub opposite, jump into a red car, and drive off at top speed. There was a driver already in the car waiting for them, of course, so there were three of them altogether.
W: Yes, and we found out that one of the servicemen in the pub was the one who organized it all. He handed the money over to the two men who went into the pub.
M: Oh! So you’ve arrested them all now, have you?
W: All but one, sir, so what you said could be very important.

Text 5
W: And when did you begin this sort of work?
M: Let’s see now…Uh, yes, six years ago, this March.
W: And you enjoy it?
M: Oh yes, very much. It’s very tiring, with long hours on the job, sometimes, uh, as much as twelve hours. Well, uh, but it’s exciting to meet people from all over the world, it really is.
W: What exactly do you do?
M: Well, I take tourists to the famous places in the city, tell them the history of the places, talk about why they’re famous, but, uh, then there’s the other side.
W: What do you mean?
M: Well, you know, when foreigners come to this country, things are very different, so, um, it is my job to give them advice, uh, help them with problems, and, well, make them feel comfortable.
W: And what are necessary for the job?
M: Well, uh, they have to enjoy meeting new people, and they, well, they must take special courses in the history of the city and things like that.
W: And do they have to know foreign languages?
M: Yes, yes, that’s a must. Otherwise, a tour company can use only you for the groups that speak English and most of the tourists come from South America.
W: South America? I see. So they speak Spanish.
M: That’s right, Spanish. But my company will hire only people who speak at least two foreign languages.
W: And you? How many languages do you speak?
M: Me? I speak three: Spanish, French, and Italian.
W: Three languages. Then I can see why your work is so easy for you.

Text 6
Before we begin the first program of the day, which is chemistry for the Open University at three o’clock in just two minutes time, let’s take a look at a few of the programs later in the day. First of all, for those lucky ones who don’t have to go out to work there is afternoon cinema. This is your chance to catch up some of those old movies which you always meant to see but never got around to. Today at 4:30 we have a great film by Charlie Chaplin. After this, at 6:15, there is the popular program ‘Spot the Mistake,’ where you are invited to compete with a team of experts. This is followed at seven o’clock by ‘The World Around Us.’ This week, we’ll be taking a look at life in the Sonora Desert in southern Arizona where daytime temperatures can reach 45 degrees. At 8:50 we have ‘100 Great Sporting Moments,’ in which we’ll enjoy yesterday’s FA Cup at Wimbley between Manchester United and Brighton. This will be followed by the news at ten o’clock.. Then, at 10:15, we have ‘The Art Show.’ A group of painters came together in 1965 and called themselves the Artists of America. That’s ‘The Art Show’ at 10:15.

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