
08版剑桥少儿英语预备级B册第一课school is fine 就是这一课的 教材 内容 我在这 里 站着等 希望 快点 回复 万分感谢
如果有 次 教材的话 立马给分

你是08的教材??我的是10年新版,我的B第一册是School is fun不是fine,但是我告诉你,我用的是07版的教师用书,基本和10版的没什么区别
教材的话read aloud 是掌握
pencil-case The pencil-case is big
bag The bag is small
pen the pen is small
ruler The ruler is big
book The book is nice
swimming pool

我的书第一部分是listen,look and talk
第一部分是掌握 Big and small 的用法
This is big/small
it’s big/small

第二部分是show and tell
主要是让学生熟悉学校环境,是一副学校的图,画有classroom ,swimming pool,playground ,garden
对话句子是hello!welcome to our school。please come with me
This is our swimming pool

第三部分 look ask and answer
This is class one,can you answer these questions?
How many boys are there?
How many girls are there?
how many teachers are there?
how many _____ ______ ______?

Part 4是odd one out
是一道动脑筋的题,Which one is different?

Part 5 Chant and sing
school is fun,school is fun,Drawing,singing and we are number one
school is fun,school is fun,Reading,writing and we are number one
Dancing,running,jumping and swimming
Dancing,running,jumping and swimming
we are number one.we are number one

Part 6 Listen and write the numbers
boys_____ girls_____ desks_____
chairs_____ doors_______ windows______
TV(s)________ blackboards________