

I have lots of stories from Aesop's fable. I picked some herewith. If you want more, don't hesitate to let me know.

The Wolf and the Lamb
Once upon a time a Wolf was lapping at a spring on a hillside, when,
looking up, what should he see but a Lamb just beginning to drink a little
lower down. "There's my supper," thought he, "if only I can find some
excuse to seize it." Then he called out to the Lamb, "How dare you
muddle the water from which I am drinking?"
"Nay, master, nay," said Lambikin; "if the water be muddy up there, I
cannot be the cause of it, for it runs down from you to me."
"Well, then," said the Wolf, "why did you call me bad names this time
last year?"
"That cannot be," said the Lamb; "I am only six months old."
"I don't care," snarled the Wolf; "if it was not you it was your father;"
and with that he rushed upon the poor little Lamb and .WARRA
WARRA WARRA WARRA WARRA .ate her all up. But before she
died she gasped out ."Any excuse will serve a tyrant."

The Town Mouse and the Country
Now you must know that a Town Mouse once upon a time went on a
visit to his cousin in the country. He was rough and ready, this cousin,
but he loved his town friend and made him heartily welcome. Beans and
bacon, cheese and bread, were all he had to offer, but he offered them
freely. The Town Mouse rather turned up his long nose at this country
fare, and said: "I cannot understand, Cousin, how you can put up with
such poor food as this, but of course you cannot expect anything better in
the country; come you with me and I will show you how to live. When
you have been in town a week you will wonder how you could ever have
stood a country life." No sooner said than done: the two mice set off for
the town and arrived at the Town Mouse's residence late at night. "You
will want some refreshment after our long journey," said the polite Town
Mouse, and took his friend into the grand dining-room. There they found
the remains of a fine feast, and soon the two mice were eating up jellies
and cakes and all that was nice. Suddenly they heard growling and
barking. "What is that?" said the Country Mouse. "It is only the dogs of
the house," answered the other. "Only!" said the Country Mouse. "I do
not like that music at my dinner." Just at that moment the door flew open,
in came two huge mastiffs, and the two mice had to scamper down and run
off. "Good-bye, Cousin," said the Country Mouse, "What! going so
soon?" said the other. "Yes," he replied;
"Better beans and bacon in peace than cakes and ale in fear."

The Fox and the Crow
A Fox once saw a Crow fly off with a piece of cheese in its beak and
settle on a branch of a tree. "That's for me, as I am a Fox," said Master
Reynard, and he walked up to the foot of the tree. "Good-day, Mistress
Crow," he cried. "How well you are looking to-day: how glossy your
feathers; how bright your eye. I feel sure your voice must surpass that of
other birds, just as your figure does; let me hear but one song from you
that I may greet you as the Queen of Birds." The Crow lifted up her head
and began to caw her best, but the moment she opened her mouth the
piece of cheese fell to the ground, only to be snapped up by Master Fox.
"That will do," said he. "That was all I wanted. In exchange for your
cheese I will give you a piece of advice for the future ."Do not trust

The Frogs Desiring a King
The Frogs were living as happy as could be in a marshy swamp that
just suited them; they went splashing about caring for nobody and nobody
troubling with them. But some of them thought that this was not right,
that they should have a king and a proper constitution, so they determined
to send up a petition to Jove to give them what they wanted. "Mighty
Jove," they cried, "send unto us a king that will rule over us and keep us in
order." Jove laughed at their croaking, and threw down into the swamp a
huge Log, which came downrplashto the swamp. The Frogs were
frightened out of their lives by the commotion made in their midst, and all
rushed to the bank to look at the horrible monster; but after a time, seeing
that it did not move, one or two of the boldest of them ventured out
towards the Log, and even dared to touch it; still it did not move. Then
the greatest hero of the Frogs jumped upon the Log and commenced
dancing up and down upon it, thereupon all the Frogs came and did the
same; and for some time the Frogs went about their business every day
without taking the slightest notice of their new King Log lying in their
midst. But this did not suit them, so they sent another petition to Jove, and
said to him, "We want a real king; one that will really rule over us." Now
this made Jove angry, so he sent among them a big Stork that soon set to
work gobbling them all up. Then the Frogs repented when too late.
Better no rule than cruel rule.
第1个回答  2007-01-02
what miles on The Car?

A blonde(金发女郎) and a brunette(黑人妇女) were talking, and the blonde was very stressed. The brunette asked her what was the matter. The blonde proceeded to tell her that she really needed to sell her car, but no one would buy because it has 100,000 miles on it.
The brunette said to her, "I know a way that will help you sell it. I have a friend who can help you, but it's illegal."
The blonde said, " I'll do anything."So the brunette gave the blonde the phone number of a guy who could turn back the odometer on her car. A week later the blonde and the brunette crossed paths, and the brunette asked the blonde if she had sold her car yet.
The blonde said, "Why would I sell a car with only 50,000 miles on it?!"
第2个回答  2007-01-02
A water bearer had two large pots, each hung on the ends of a pole, which he carried across his neck.
One of the pots had a crack in it while the other pot was perfect and always delievered a full portion of water. At the end of the long walk from the stream to the house, the cracked pot arrived only half full.
For a full two years, this went on daily, with the bearer delievering only one and a half pots of water to his house. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments it had made. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it was able to accomplish only half of what it had been made to do.
After 2 years of what it perceived to be bitter failure, it spoke to the water bearer one day by the stream. "I am ashamed of myself, because this crack in my side causes my water to leak out all the way back to your house.
The bearer said to the pot, "Did you notice that there are flowers on your side of the path, but not on the other pot's side? That's because I have always known about your flaw, so I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back, you water them. For two years I have been to able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate the table. Without you being just the way you are, we would not have such beauty."
Each of us has our unique flaw. But it's the cracka and flaws we each have that make our lives together so very interesting and rewarding.
You're just got to take each person for what they are and look for the good in them.