

郑州大学西亚斯国际学院学生成绩表The international college of zhengzhou university students: west
学院:电子信息工程学院College of electronic information engineering institute.
专业:计算机科学与技术专升本专业Professional: computer science and technology rise
班级:计算机科学与技术专升本1班Class: computer science and technology upgraded 1 class
学号Student id no. 姓名Name, 学位degree 毕业证书号Diploma codes 毕业结论Graduation conclusion

课程名称Course name 性质nature 学分credits 成绩results 绩点Performance
2007-2008学年 第一学期First semester of 2007-2008 school year
计算机组成原理Computer principle 专必Specially will
计算机英语Computer English
计算机网络原理The computer network theory
操作系统The operating system

2007-2008学年 第二学期The second semester of 2007-2007 academic year
信息系统分析与设计Information system analysis and design
微机原理与接口技术Microcomputer principle andconnection technology
网页设计与制作Web design and production
数据库原理Database principles
软件工程Software engineering
java程序设计Java program design

2008-2009学年 第一学期First semester of 2008-2009 school year
形势与政策Situation and policy
数据结构Data structure
面向对象程序设计c++Object-oriented program design of c + +
离散数学Discrete mathematics
概率论与数理统计Probability and statistics
编译原理Compiling principle

2008-2009学年 第二学期The second semester of 2008-2009 academic year
毕业设计Graduation design
毕业资格审查和学士学位授予情况Graduation credentials and of bachelor's degree awarding situation
以下空白Following blank

毕业设计论文(题目)Graduation design (paper topic)
物业管理网络系统Property management network system (good) - 15.
毕业应取得总学分Graduation total credit should be made,
已获得总学分 has obtained the total credits
公共必修课Public compulsory,
公共选修课Public elective course,
专业选修课Professional elective course,
专业必修课Specialized courses

历年平均成绩Over the average scores
历年平均学分绩点Over the average credit grade point averages

郑州大学西亚斯国际学院教务处(盖章)Zhengzhou university: international academic affairs (west)
