
in accordance with the version of the ucp rules(issued by the icc) as specified in the credit,we advise having received the captioned documentary credit in your favour.
from hk+shanghai banking corporation ltd
(swift address:xxx)

from the dc: irrevocable transperable
applicable rules:ucp latest version

documents required:
+singed commercial invoice,in english,must state:
-beneficiary’s name and address
-name and address of actual manufacturer
-detailed goods description,item no.,upc and pack sizes(vendor packs)
-country of origin
-commercial invoice must certify that the shipment contains no wood packing material (or)
a.one copy of a document issued by a fumigator certifying that treatment was by heat treatment to a minimum wood core
temperature of 56 degrees centigrade for a minumum of 30 minutes or fumigation was effected with methyl bromide.
b.wood packing material is marked with the ippc logo and the two letter iso code for the country that treated the wood packing materials.the marking must also include the unique number assigned by the national plant protection organization to the company responsible for ensuring the wpm was properly treated,and either the abbreviation ht (heat treatment) or mb (methyl bromide).
+beneficiary's signed statement certifying the following:
-no prison or child labor was used to produce ordered goods
-product(s) from vendors/factories were not produced by the use of forced labor.
-product(s) from vendors/factories does not involve transshipments of merchandise.
-the true country of origing is-------------(bene to insert country of origin)。
-have read and understand the recommendations by us customs service regarding security and that those recommendations were in effect as of the date of production and shipment of goods。
-a complete set of original documents were delivered to the freight forwarder which included the required data elements for advanced manifest filing。
+inspection certificate purportedly signed by an authorized representative of li and fung,with the signer’s name and title typed,certifying that:
-merchandise has passed inspection
-all intstructions have been followed for carton for carton markings
-carton markings must show:purchase order number,dc number,upc,style number
-country of origin markings have been appropriately placed on the selling unit



+ 签署过的英语商业发票,必须表明:
-- 受益人的名称和地址
-- 实际制造商的名称和地址
-- 详细的商品描述,商品数量、统一惯例以及包装尺寸(以最终销售时的包装计)
-- 原产地国家
-- 商业发票必须证明这批货物没有使用木质包装材料(或者)
a. 一份由烟熏商所签发的文件副本,要证明已将木材热处理,加热时木芯温度至少为56度,并且至少加热30分钟;或者已用甲基溴烟熏处理。
b. 在木质包装材料上标识国际植物保护公约的标志以及国际标准化组织对处理木质包装材料那个国家的两位数编码。该标识还必须包括由全国植物保护组织颁发给确保木质包装材料已经恰当处理公司的独特号码,并且要标注ht(热处理)或者mb(甲基溴)。
+ 受益人所签署的声明要确认以下各项:
-- 在生产所订购的产品时,没有使用监狱工人或童工
-- 来自经销商/工厂的产品不是通过强制劳役而生产出来的。
-- 来自经销商/工厂的产品没有经过商品转运。
-- 真实的原产地国家是____________(插入原产地国家)
-- 已经阅读并了解我们海关对安全方面的有关建议以及在商品生产和运输之日起生效的有关建议。
-- 将一整套原始单证交给货运代理人,其中要包括舱单申报时所需要的各种重要数据。
+ 由李和冯所授权的代理人所签署的检验证书,签字人的姓名和职务要打印,并证明:
-- 所有的商品已经通过质量检验
-- 纸箱上的唛头遵守所有的规定
-- 纸箱上的唛头必须显示:购货号码、单证(信用证)号码、统一惯例、样式号码
-- 原产地国家之唛头已经在所售商品上适当标注。
第1个回答  2010-06-12
in accordance with the version of the ucp rules(issued by the icc) as specified in the credit,we advise having received the captioned documentary credit in your favour.
from hk+shanghai banking corporation ltd
(swift address:xxx)
swift 地址:***
from the dc: irrevocable transperable 信用证类别:不可撤销可转让
applicable rules:ucp latest version 规则应用:UCP最新版本.

documents required:所需文件.
+singed commercial invoice,in english,must state:已英文版签名商业发票,必须注明:
-beneficiary’s name and address受益人的名字和地址
-name and address of actual manufacturer实际生产商的名字和地址.
-detailed goods description,item no.,upc and pack sizes(vendor packs)
-country of origin商品详细描述,项目号,单价,包装尺寸(卖方包装)
-commercial invoice must certify that the shipment contains no wood packing material (or) 商业发票必须注明不包含木质包装材料或
a.one copy of a document issued by a fumigator certifying that treatment was by heat treatment to a minimum wood core
temperature of 56 degrees centigrade for a minumum of 30 minutes or fumigation was effected with methyl bromide.
b.wood packing material is marked with the ippc logo and the two letter iso code for the country that treated the wood packing materials.the marking must also include the unique number assigned by the national plant protection organization to the company responsible for ensuring the wpm was properly treated,and either the abbreviation ht (heat treatment) or mb (methyl bromide).
+beneficiary's signed statement certifying the following:受益人必须确保如下内容.
-no prison or child labor was used to produce ordered goods
-product(s) from vendors/factories were not produced by the use of forced labor.工厂/卖方的货物不能是以强迫劳动而生产.
-product(s) from vendors/factories does not involve transshipments of merchandise.工厂/卖方的货物不可转运
-the true country of origing is-------------(bene to insert country of origin)。实际原产国(请填原产国名字)
-have read and understand the recommendations by us customs service regarding security and that those recommendations were in effect as of the date of production and shipment of goods。

-a complete set of original documents were delivered to the freight forwarder which included the required data elements for advanced manifest filing。提供整套文件,包括所需的数据交与货代
+inspection certificate purportedly signed by an authorized representative of li and fung,with the signer’s name and title typed,certifying that:检验证书应由权威代表LI 和FUNG来签字,证明以下内容:
-merchandise has passed inspection 供应商已通过检验认证.
-all intstructions have been followed for carton for carton markings
-carton markings must show:purchase order number,dc number,upc,style number 箱唛必须显示:订单号,文件号,单价,项目号.
-country of origin markings have been appropriately placed on the selling unit 原产国应该标注在产品的适当位置
