

It is said that the beginning of the history of the SuZhou classical gardens can be traced back to the 6th century BC,when the king of Wu of the Spring and Autumn Period built a royal garden among the private gardens.From then on,gardening thrived in successive periods,and famous gardens increased.In the Ming and Qing periods,Suzhou became one of the busiest areas in China,with private gardens spread all over the city and its suburbs.Especially from the 16th to the 18th century,the golden period of garden building,its gardens exceeded two hundred,of which dozens have been preserved in a good condition up to the present.Therefore,Suzhou has consistently been praised as the "paradise on earth."
As typical examples of Suzhou classical gardening,the ZhuoZheng,Liu and Wangshi gardens and Huanxiu Mountain Villa,all built in the period of the prosperous development of private gardens,are noted for their imagination-inspiring atmosphere,exquisite workmanship,superbartistry and rich cultural contents,which earned them the position of model and representative buildings among the numerous classical gardens of Suzhou.
1)The freehand Style of Landscape Painting as the Guiding Principle of Gardening.
2)Comfortable Dwelling Condetions and Excellent Living Environments
3)Rich Contents of Social Culture
An important feature of the Suzhou classical gardens is that,as products of historical culture,they carry information on Chinese traditional ideology and culture.
4)Model Works of Gardening
Built in the prime of Suzhou gardening,the Zhuozheng,Liu and Wangshi gardens and Huanxiu Mountain Villa embody fully the national features and artistic attainments of ancient Chinese gardening.Within the limited spaces they took up,their builders applied ingeniously various skills and means,such as contrast, foil, size alteration,structural gradation,juxtapose,scene-borrowing,representing rich contents in a small form and making the less excel the more,and combined halls,tower,pavilions and terraces with springs,rockeries,trees and flowers in imitation of natural landscapes,creating and ideal world with "urban mounts and forests" and "natural beauty amid the bustle of city life."
第1个回答  2019-12-21