

以下是"go"、"do"、"play"和"have" 的一些不同用法和常见短语:


    "Go" 通常用于表示移动或前往某个地方的动作,例如:"I am going to the store."

    "Go" 也可以用于询问对方是否同意某个建议,例如:"Do you want to go to the movies with me?"

    "Go" 还可以用于描述某人的状态或情况,例如:"He's gone crazy" 或 "I'm going to be late for the meeting."


    go ahead(开始、继续)

    go for it(加油、尽情去做)

    go with the flow(顺其自然)

    let's go(走吧)

    on the go(忙碌、奔波)


    "Do" 通常用于表示做某件事情,例如:"I am going to do my homework."

    "Do" 也可以用于询问对方是否需要帮助或是否需要做某件事情,例如:"Do you need me to help you with that?" 或 "What can I do for you?"


    do your best(尽力而为)

    do the dishes(洗餐具)

    do the laundry(洗衣服)

    do a favor(帮个忙)

    do without(没有......也行)


    "Play" 通常用于描述玩某种游戏或运动,例如:"I am going to play basketball."

    "Play" 也可以用于描述演奏乐器或表演,例如:"He is going to play the piano at the concert."

    "Play" 还可以用于描述假装或模拟某种情况,例如:"The children are playing house in the backyard."


    play it by ear(随机应变)

    play a role(扮演角色)

    play it safe(小心谨慎)

    play along(陪伴、配合)

    play favorites(偏袒)


    "Have" 通常用于表示拥有某物,例如:"I have a car."

    "Have" 也可以用于表示经历某种情况,例如:"I have a headache."

    "Have" 还可以用于描述某种行为或状态,例如:"I have to go to work" 或 "She has a great sense of humor."


    have a good time(玩得开心)

    have a nice day(祝你愉快)

    have a seat(请坐)

    have a drink(喝一杯)

    have a bite(吃一口)
