
Traveling in a flying car may sound like a magical childhood fantasy. But this week ,a British adventurer will set off from London on an incredible journey through Europe and Africa in a car that travels by road and air.
With the help of a parachute and a giant fan-motor ,Nell Laughton plans to fly over the Pyrenees near Andorra,Before taking to the skies again to jump across the 9-mile Straits of Gibraltar.Neil Laughton then aims to fly over the Atlas Mountains in Morocco,above the Sahara desert and ,well,wherever else there is no road.
This flying machine is based on proven technology. Designed by a 29-year-old British inventor,the Skycar enables its driver to fly the vehicle at the mere touch of a button.The team behind it calls the Skycar the world’s first road legal biofuelled flying car,With the help of sponsors ,the team has spent about £250000 developing the vehicle.
Mr Laughton’s destination is the west African country of Mail and its city of Timbuktu,a place also known as “the middle of nowhere”,because of its extreme desert environment .The 42-day journey of 4000miles will pass through France,Spain and Morocco,heading into the Sahara by way of Mauritania and <ail,before returning home via Senegal.He had also hoped to fly across the English Channel ,but that plan was forbidden by civil aviation officials.
Laughton has been dreaming of creating a flying car since childhood .”The inspiration came from realizing we can drive and we can fly,so why can’t we do both?The problem all along has been the wing techology,which we think we’ve solved with the Skycar .” he said . As he prepares to set off from central London on Wednesday morning,Mr Laughton is optimistic that the Skycar’s first voyage will go smoothly.
What the camel caravans of the Sahara will think of the flying machine is anybody’s guess.




第1个回答  2010-05-12
用一个降落伞和巨大的风扇电机,内尔品尝计划飞过山脉附近安道尔的比赛,然后把天空又跳不过去了9-mile直布罗陀海峡的. 尼尔品尝然后打算飞过阿特拉斯山脉在摩洛哥,上面的撒哈拉沙漠,哦,还有其它地方没有路。
先生品尝的目的地是西非的邮件及其城市往返,也被称为“荒无人烟的地方”,因为它的极端的沙漠环境,42-day 4000miles之旅将会经过法国,西班牙和摩洛哥,在撒哈拉沙漠的困扰,以及毛里塔尼亚回家前,经塞内加尔他也希望能飞横渡英吉利海峡,但这个计划是禁止的民用航空官员。