

I have a dream
Everyone has many dreams, including me. Some dreams are common, others are unordinary. My dream is ordinary, but if I work hard and my dream will be uncommon. From my perspective, everyone should have a dream, because the dream will help you go further and further. Then you will become happier and happier. There are many reasons that I choose this job. The reasons are following.
Firstly, it is my interest to choose this job. As it is known to all, everyone has its own interest. Besides, this interest will help him give his passion on his jobs. Secondly, I think the job of teacher is exalted and great. For the teacher is the one to help others to grow up and love others.

第1个回答  2015-04-07

Everyone has their dream and there are many people ask me a question,"what's your dream "I want to tell them,my dream is to be a teacher.I want to be a teacher because I love the kids,I want to let them know more about the knowledge they need. I also admire my teacher.Because of my teachers ,I know the most important thing ,although this job will stay up late,but I think if I have enough passion,that isn't a matter.


第2个回答  2015-04-07
My dream
When I grow up, I'm going to do what I want to do.I want to move somewhere exciting. Hollywood sounds like a good place that I could enjoy.Because there are many famous actors there.I want to be an actor.So first,I should go to the movies to learn the acting.Then,I'm going to be a student at an acting school in Hollywood.And I'm going to study French at the same time.Next I'm going to finish my first movie.One day, I'm retire somewhere quiet and beautiful.
I'm sure my dream will come true!本回答被网友采纳