

不懂得欧美音乐达人看下这个视频 11;38秒开始的那个选手马贝壳唱的那段歌曲(英文)


Flight of the Conchords 的 The Prince of parties
I'm the pretty prince of parties 我是party里的漂亮王子
You're a tasty piece of pastry 你是一块好吃的糕点
You're so lighty flighty flaky 你是那么的轻浮、古怪
I go where the party takes me party在哪办,我就就在哪出现

I'm the funky monkey junky 我是个时髦的淘气鬼(猴子?)
You're a flunky bunky donkey 你是个笨蛋(驴子?)
You're a picture of the devil's daughter 你是一幅画着恶魔女儿的画
I'm a pitcher of holy water 我是装圣水的水罐...

Oh pretty prince of parties where's the party now? oh漂亮的party王子
I don't know party在哪?我不知道
Oh pretty prince of parties where does water go? party的水去哪了?
I let it flow 我让他流走了
Oh pretty prince of parties can I come to your party? 漂亮的party王子
No 我能加入party吗?不行...
Oh pretty prince of parties, where do you get your clothes? They're made of snow oh漂亮的party王子 你从哪找的衣服?他们是雪做的
Pretty party clothes crocheted of snow 漂亮的用雪编织出的衣服

I'm the mickey Maori minstrel 我是骄傲的吟游诗人
You're the high priestess of tinsel 你是华而不实的女祭司
I'm the guru god of ganja 我是制作大麻的神???
Ramashalanka lanka ravi shanka
la la la la la la la la la la la la
