请根据提示以”My English Teacher”为题写一篇80词左右的短文。包括:某老师是一位年轻教师,她/他教英

请根据提示以”My English Teacher”为题写一篇80词左右的短文。包括:某老师是一位年轻教师,她/他教英语,教学态度认真,对工作和学生要求很严格,耐心帮助班里的学生。她/他帮助你提高了英语成绩。

One Possible Version:
My English Teacher
Mr. Sun is one of my belove teachers. He is a young teacher. He teaches us English very well. His classes are lively and interesting. He makes good preparations for his lessons and is strict in his works as well as with his students. Whenever we make mistakes in our homework, he will ask us to correct and read it. I used to be poor in English. Mr. Sun often helps me with my study very patiently. Thanks to his help, I have made much progress and caught up with others. I appreciate him for his help and will remember him forever.

试题分析:本文是一篇提纲作文。 写作时首先要仔细审题,确定人称,时态,文体。内容要点要全面,上下段要使用连接词做到连贯。我们在写作中应当用尽可能少的形式表达尽可能多的语义内容,力求简洁精练。根据提示内容,写出所列要点,要全面。我们在用词上应该仔细揣摩,准确清晰地表达我们的思想,剔除冗词赘语,使文章言简意赅。
【亮点说明】文中使用了非常好的短语和句子为文章增色不少,比如: makes good preparations for, be poor in ,made much progress and caught up with others.等。 还运用了状语从句 Whenever we make mistakes in our homework, 等。并注意了句子的衔接如: Whenever,as well as,Thanks to 等。