
一、 网络语言的泛滥会冲击中国语言文字的严肃性和破坏它美的内涵。
二、 网络语言的泛滥,是对我国语言的不尊重
三、 网络语言,其实难以流通。
得不到大众公认的东西,注定没有生命力。把“再见”改为“88”;把“就是”改为“94”;把“哭泣”改为“55”;把“4242”当作“是啊是啊”;把“258”当作“谢我吧”;把“874”当作“扁人啦”;把“9494”当作“就是就是”;把“4242”当作“是啊是啊”;把“7456”当作“气死我了”;把“748”当作“其实吧”;把“847”当作“别生气”;把“987”当作“就不去”……等等。满纸通篇的数字,人眼一触,立刻头痛。这样说话为文,大众能接受得了吗? 还有很多花样,二十六个英文字母的乱搭乱配来使用,如此等等,不胜枚举啊!

First, the network would have an impact on the spread of Chinese language instruction to the seriousness of the United States and undermine its content.Chinese language back, how random game?Cling to old, bad natural limit innovation, but allowing everyone Word is wrong.Second, the proliferation of Internet language, the language of our country's respect for the spread of Internet language, and the desecration of the Chinese.Perfectly with the generic term of the last millennium, it is necessary to further messing unrecognizable?For example, : : It is necessary?This is a creation?This is not vulgar?China is a great country with ancient civilization and the only deny that there is a feeling of inferiority, would agree that such a move.Third, network language, difficult circulation.If the entire network had to use the language, imagine how many people are willing to do it time and how many people can read it?When a country is a difficult task for many countries of the language that this country is not civilized, not advanced, is not developed.not friendly, not alluring.Not even a standardized language of the country, who is also keen on developing diplomatic relations with this country?Just think, is the rationale?Fourth, the language network, is not civilized.We are now some people mistakenly believe that certain terms of network usage is high time witty, competition will take over.This is unhealthy!We are now adults.Do we want our children and grandchildren to inherit such a hodge-podge of things?5, the network language, not the general public recognized the vitality of things, there is no vitality."Goodbye" to "88"; "Is" to "94"; "Tears" to "55";"4242" as "ah ah is"; "258" as a "thank me!""874" with "- bian," said; "9494" as "is";"4242" as "ah ah is"; "7456" as "crazy me.""748" as a "fact bars"; "847" with "other life";"987" as a "no go" : : and so on.Full figures throughout, the touch of the eyes, headache immediately.Speak for this article, the public can accept this?There are many tricks, 26 allocated to the English alphabetical chaos for the indiscriminate use, and so on, abound!China since ancient times and today, in the past, to respect the motherland's culture, the culture of self-mistreat the motherland.The culture of the motherland "from the Palace" of the motherland's culture grooves to achieve such a high level?Language network, I am not strongly opposed to it, you could not appeal to smother it, I just want to say thatnot encourage such a trend can not be allowed to occur in order to protect our Chinese culture.When a country is a difficult task for many countries of the language that this country is not civilized, not advanced, is not developed.not friendly, not alluring.Not even a standardized language of the country, who is also keen on developing diplomatic relations with this country?Just think, is the rationale?