

Mother brought my favourite baked bread for me. She seemed so tired, so i said,"Mom, let me help you!" And Mother smiled at me.

Mother went out again at noon, and a neighbouring boy came to play with me, but we still found it boring. Therefore, we went to the kitchen to cook some soup. The boy said that he liked soup, but i frowned, saying "Oh, but i don't!"

Mother came back home at night. What a boring day today is!
第1个回答  2010-06-05
My mother bought me my favorite toast from the shop. I can see her tired so I said "Mom, i'm gonna help you." My mother smiled.
At noon, my mother went out again. My neighbour, who is a little boy came to play with me, but I felt very boring during it. Therefore we went to the kitchen to make some soups. He said:"I like it!" But I frowned:"Oh~ I hate it!"
In the evening, my mother came back home. What a boring day!