

May 6, 2009,sunny It was already eight o'clock,and I was still on the bus to school.I was sure to get into trouble with the teacher.I suddenly remembered she was going to test us.I didn't study at all since I slept too well last night.Now what should I do?

  When I walked into the classroom,I looked out of the window.The bees were busy making honey from flowers.The birds also were busy making nets.The sun was shining brightly.As I saw this,a thought struck me:I wished to leave the school at once,to throw my books aside,and to hide in the beautiful world of nature.But I realized I could not do so.If even the bees and birds were so busy at work,then I,a human being,should be ashamed of being idle.I therefore changed my mind and faced the music.

第1个回答  2013-11-11