

第1个回答  2013-11-25
下面的内容是我从“英语词汇网”yywords找来的一部分,但更多内容需要收费:《英语常用词多用途词典》节选a[eI, E], an[An,En] art.1.一(个、件、本、张等):This is an English dictionary. 这是一本英语词典。/ It was an easy task. 那是一项容易的任务。2.任何…都:A square has four sides. 正方形有4条边。/ A dog is usually bigger than a cat. 狗一般比猫要大。3.每(一):We drink tea twice a day. 我们每天喝两次茶。/ How much a meter is this cloth? 这块布多少钱一米?4.某,某一个:In a sense you are right. 在某种意义上你是对的。/ A Mr Smith phoned just now. 一位名叫史密斯先生的人刚才来过电话。【用法】1.在表示泛指意义的单数可数名词前应加不定冠词 a / an,不要从汉语习惯出发,漏掉此不定冠词,如不能说:Her father is famous poet.(应在is后加a) 2.不能与指示代词、物主代词、名词所有格等连用,如不说my a good friend,可改说a good friend of mine。3.原则上说,不可数名词前不能用不定冠词,但是,若不可数名词在一定情况下转化为可数名词,其前可用不定冠词。另一方面,可数名词在一定情况下也可转化为不可数名词,这时其前的不定冠词也随之消失:a complete Lu Xun 一套鲁迅全集 / a good wine 一种好酒 / a success 成功的人或事 4.在序数词之前使用a (an),可以表示数量或序数的增加:Do you want to read it a third time? 你还想看第3次吗?5.与most连用,表示“非常”“很”等:This is a most interesting story. 这是一个非常有趣的故事。6.与副词quite, rather连用时,a (an) 一般要后置,但若其后的名词前有形容词修饰,则a (an) 放在quite, rather之前或之后均可以:It was rather a busy day. = It was a rather busy day. 那天相当忙。/ He is rather a fool. 他是个大傻瓜。但不能说:He is a rather fool.(因为名词前无形容词,所以错误) 7.当too, so, as, how等词之后接有“形容词+单数可数名词”时,不定冠词a (an)应放在形容词和单数可数名词之间:She is too kind a girl to refuse. 她是个好心肠的女孩,不会拒绝的。/ He’s not as honest a man as I thought. 他不像我想象的那样诚实。8.不定冠词可用来表示类属,即表示某一类属中的每一个都能反映该类属的整体情况,此时也可用定冠词或名词复数形式来表示:A tiger [The tiger, Tigers] can be dangerous. 老虎是危险的。注意,不定冠词不能用来表示整体类别的特性,如下例中的the不能换成a:The tiger is in danger of becoming extinct. 老虎有绝种的危险。/ Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876. 亚历山大·格雷汉姆·贝尔于1876年发明了电话。【辨析】a (an), one:(1)两者均可表示“一”的意思,有时可互换:About a [one] thousand students attended the meeting. 大约有1 000 学生参加了会议。/ A [One] Mr Smith wants to see you. 一位名叫史密斯先生的人想见你。(2)两者的区别在于:①从词性上看:a (an)是不定冠词,主要表示类别,即着重表示其后的名词是某物,而不是其他物;而one表示“一(个)”时是数词,主要表示数量,即强调在数量上是一个,而不是两个或多个。比较:Give me a dictionary. 给我一本字典。(此处强调的是:我要的是一本字典,而不是一本教材,也不是一本小说等) / Give me one dictionary. 给我一本字典。(此处强调的是:我要的是一本字典,而不是两本或多本字典) ②由于one是数词,着重数量意义,所以当要强调数量、进行数量对比或回答how many的提问时,均应用one,而不能用a (an):He has only one pen, but I have two. 他只有一枝钢笔,但我有两枝。/ I want one box, not five. 我想要1个盒子,不是要5个。/ “How many friends do you have here?” “Only one.”“你在这儿有多少个朋友?”“只有一个。”③在某些表达中,两者均可用,但含义不同:at a time 每次,同时 / at one time 一度,曾经;as a man 就一个人的性格而论 / as one man 一起,同时,全体一致地 ④在某些表达中,两者均可用,虽含义相同,但表达不同:on a hot summer afternoon 一个炎热的夏日的下午(注意用介词on) / one hot summer afternoon 一个炎热的夏日的下午(注意不用介词on);an hour and a half 一个半小时 (通常不说one hour and a half) / one and a half hours 一个半小时;a minute or two 一两分钟 (通常不说one minute or two) / one or two minutes 一两分钟abacus[5AbEkEs](pl. abacuses, abaci) n.[C]算盘:operate [use, work] an abacus 打算盘abandon1[E5bAndEn] vt.1.离弃,丢弃:The car was so badly damaged that it had to be abandoned as a total loss. 汽车损坏严重,只好彻底报废。2.遗弃,抛弃:The poor little puppy had been abandoned. 那可怜的小狗被人遗弃了。3.放弃:The project had to be abandoned for lack of funds. 工程因资金匮乏只得放弃。◇abandon oneself to 沉溺于,纵情:He abandoned himself to despair. 他自暴自弃。‖abandoned a.被抛弃的,被放弃的,报废的 / abandonment n.[U]放弃【用法】1.abandon A for B 与abandon A to B意思不同:前者表示主动地为了B而放弃A,后者表示被动地放弃A让B取得:He decided to abandon medicine for literature. 他决定弃医从文。/ They abandoned their lands to the invading forces. 他们丢下土地,遭侵略军占领。2. abandon the car, abandon the city, abandon the village等搭配中都有冠词,而abandon ship这一结构在现代英语中通常不用冠词。3.习语abandon oneself to(沉溺于,纵情)中的to是介词,故后接动词时用动名词:They abandon themselves to drinking. 他们沉湎于饮酒。类似结构有:apply oneself to (doing) sth 专心于做某事 / devote oneself to (doing) sth 致力(献身)于做某事 / resign oneself to (doing) sth 听任(顺从)做某事abandon2[E5bAndEn] n.[U]放任,纵情◇with abandon (1)放任地,放纵地:cry with abandon 任性地哭 (2)尽情地:dance with abandon 尽情地跳舞abbreviation[E7bri:vI5eIFn] n.[C]缩写词,缩略语:“Dr” is an abbreviation for “Doctor”. Dr是Doctor的缩写词。/ In this dictionary “sth” is the abbreviation for “something”. 本词典用sth作为something的缩写。【用法】要表示“…的缩略语”,其后通常接介词for,有时也用介词of:“GB” is the abbreviation for [of] “Great Britain”. GB是Great Britain的缩写。ABC[7eIbi:5si:] n.1.(常连用one’s)字母(表):Does the boy know his ABC? 这男孩认识字母了吗? 2.[S](常连用the)入门,基础知识:learn the ABC of swimming 初学游泳 / an ABC book 初级读本◇as easy as ABC 非常容易ability[E5bIlEtI] n.1.[U]能力:I’m behind him in ability. 我的能力不如他。/ I’m sure of his ability to cope with this. 我肯定他有能力应付此事。2.[U,C]才能,才智:a man of great ability 本领高强的人 / The boy shows remarkable ability at mathematics. 这男孩显示出非凡的数学才能。◇to the best of one’s ability 尽自己最大努力:She did the work to the best of her ability. 她已尽了力去做那项工作了。【用法】1.表示有能力做某事或具有做某事的能力等,其后通常要接不定式:He has the ability to speak English fluently. 他能流利地说英语。/ The ability to be clearly heard is extremely important for news readers. 声音洪亮清晰对新闻广播员来说极为重要。偶尔也可后接 of doing sth,但远不如接不定式普遍:I admire his ability of doing the work quickly. 我羡慕他工作做得快。2.表示抽象意义的“能力”时,不可数;表示不同种类的能力时,可用复数:listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities 听说读写能力;侧重指天资或才能方面的能力时,可数或不可数均可能,有时可用复数形式:Everyone admired his abilities. 大家都敬佩他的才能。【注意】1.able的反义词是unable,但ability的反义词不是unability(此词在英语中不存在),而是inability。2.inability和disability是由ability分别加否定前缀in-和dis-构成的,但两者意思不同,前者表示“无能力”“无才能”,后者表示“失去能力”“伤残”“残疾”。able[5eIbl] a.有能力的,能够,能干的:He is an able lawyer. 他是位很能干的律师。/ He made a very able speech. 他做了一次漂亮的演说。◇be able to 能,能够:I won’t be able to come. 我将不能来。/ He was able to speak five languages. 他能讲5种语言。/ You should be able to get there in time. 你应当可以及时到达那里。/ I haven’t been able to get in touch with her. 我一直未能和她联系上。/ Not being able to understand English, he didn’t know what they wanted. 由于他不懂英语,他不知道他们要什么。‖ably ad.能干地,巧妙地【用法】1. able的比较级和最高级通常是abler和ablest,也可以是more able和most able,有时还可用better able和best able:You are better able to do it than I (am). 你比我更有能力做这件事。/ She’s the person best able to cope. 她是个最能妥善处理问题的人。2. be able to do sth 中的不定式通常用主动式,一般不用被动式,如可说:He can’t be understood. 但很少说:He’s not able to be understood. 3.表示使某人能做某事,英语习惯上不用make sb able to do sth,可改为enable sb to do sth:I gave him full directions to enable him to find the house. 我向他作了详细说明,好让他能找到那房子。(若改为help sb to do sth则更通俗) 4.表示很能干或很有能力,可用very, extremely等修饰;表示能做某事(用于be able to)则多用quite, well, perfectly等修饰:He is a very able manager. 他是位很有能力的经理。/ He is quite [well] able to take care of himself. 他完全可以照顾自己了。【注意】able的反义词是unable(不能的,不会的),不是disable,后者是动词,其意为“使残废”“使无能力”;disabled 也可用作形容词,表示“肢体有残疾的”。【辨析】be able to, can:参见can。aboard1[E5bC:d] prep.在(船、飞机、车等)上,上(船、飞机、车等):He was already aboard the ship. 他已上船。/ We travelled aboard the same flight. 我们搭乘同一班机。【用法】aboard 本身可用作介词,所以类似 go aboard on the ship(上船)中的介词on是多余的。但是,有时可后接介词of:go [come] aboard (of) a ship 上船 aboard2[E5bC:d] ad.在船(飞机、车等) 上,上船(飞机、车等):Welcome aboard. 欢迎乘坐本机(车、船)!/ The boat is ready to leave. All aboard. 就要开船了,请大家上船。/ It’s time to go aboard. 该上车(船或飞机)了。【用法】用作副词的abroad 与on board同义:go aboard = go on board 上船(车或飞机),get aboard the train = get on board the train 上火车