
In all developing countries, tourism has shown itself to be a highly labourintensive activity that opens up opportunities for the small businesses that are engaged in or provide products and services to the tourism industry. Its impact is particularly strong in the local farming and fishing industries, handicrafts and even the construction industry. In these countries, tourism constitutes exceptionally fertile ground for private initiative. It serves as a foothold from which the market economy can expand and flourish. And above all, it creates many jobs: jobs in small and medium-sized enterprises as well as work for the self-employed; jobs for the poor, jobs for women, for indigenous communities, for unskilled as well as highly skilled workers. It creates jobs at resorts as well as in isolated rural areas, in handicrafts and in ecotourism.
Furthermore, in all of these countries, we can see the crucial contribution of tourism-generated foreign exchange receipts to the balance of payments. Such revenues reduce the country’s foreign debt and their dependence on a single export sector, in most cases a raw material with low value and fluctuating price. Contrary to an oft-repeated misconception, tourism revenues in most developing countries are much larger that the induced imports or repatriation of benefits that it may generate.
Due to the above reasons, tourism can play a major role in improving the standard of living of people and help them lift themselves above the poverty threshold.
Unfortunately, a large part of the tourism potential of many of these countries remains untapped due to several limiting factors, especially the lack of infrastructure and communications systems, deficiencies in the organization of public services, new information technology skills or in human resource development. Also, the insufficient diversification of certain economies, especially in the case of island countries, as well as the failure to take into account specific aspects of tourism development, increases the risk of leakages and prevents the full benefits of tourism spending’s multiplier effect from fully materializing. We therefore hope that this Summit leads to greater awareness of these considerations, which will allow us to do much better.



deficiencies in the organization of public services, new information technology skills or in human resource development. Also, the insufficient diversification of certain economies,
但不幸的是,很多旅游业发展潜能在许多国家尚未开发,因为有写制约因素, 特别是缺乏基础设施建设和通讯系统,缺乏组织则表现公共服务部门、新信息技术技能和人力资源开发方面。 另外,某些国家缺乏多样化经营,特别是岛屿国家,他们不能考虑到旅游业发展的特殊性,这些增加了浪费的风险,使得旅游花费的整体效益的倍增效应难以充分实现。因此我们希望本次峰会能让人们更好地认识到这些因素,这样我们才能做的更好。
第1个回答  2006-08-12
在所有发展中国家中,旅游业已经表明它是一个高度labourintensive活动,开辟了小生意的机会,参与或提供的旅游产品和服务的行业. 它的影响尤为强烈,当地养殖和捕捞业、手工业、建筑业甚至. 在这些国家,特别是旅游业的私人投资沃土. 这是市场经济的立足点能茁壮成长. 首先,它创造了许多就业机会:职位中小型企业以及为个体户; 职业穷人妇女就业,为当地社区、非技术熟练的工人,以及. 用它制造的就业机会以及偏远农村地区,生态旅游和手工业.
此外,在所有这些国家中,我们看到了重要贡献,旅游业的外汇收入带来的国际收支. 收入减少等国的外债和依赖单一出口部门在多数情况下,低价格和原材料价格波动. 违背了公平贸易局,一再误解,多数发展中国家旅游收入要大得多,促使进口或遣返好处,它可能产生. 由于上述原因,旅游业可以发挥重要的作用,提高人民的生活水平,帮助他们解除自己的贫困线以上. 不幸的是,大部分的旅游发展潜力,其中许多国家仍因未数限制因素,特别是缺乏基础设施和通讯系统,在不足的公共服务机构,新的信息技术和技能的人力资源开发. 还不够多样化,一些经济体,尤其是岛国,以及没有考虑到具体问题旅游业的发展,增加了危险,泄漏无法充分享受旅游消费的乘数效应无法充分实现. 我们希望这次会晤使人们更好地认识到这些因素,这将使我们能够做得更好.
第2个回答  2006-08-12
在开放机会为小企业参与或提供产品和服务对旅游业产业的所有发展中国家, 旅游业显示自己是高度labourintensive 活动。它的冲击是特别强的在本机种田和捕鱼业、工艺品和甚而建筑业。在这些国家, 旅游业构成格外肥沃地面为私有主动性。它担当市场经济可能扩展和茂盛的立足处。并且高于一切, 它创造许多工作: 工作在中小型企业中并且工作为自己经营; 工作为贫寒, 工作为妇女, 为土产社区, 为不熟练并且高度熟练工。它创造工作在手段并且在被隔绝的乡区, 在工艺品和在ecotourism 。此外, 总计这些国家, 我们能看旅游业引起的外汇收据的关键的贡献对国际收支差额表。这样收支减少country..s 外债和他们的对一个唯一出口区段的依赖性, 在许多情况下原材料以低值和动摇的价格。相反对经常重覆的误解, 旅游业收支在多数发展中国家是更大的它也许引起好处的导致的进口或遣送回国。由于上述原因, 旅游业能充当在改进生活水准的一个主要角色人和帮助他们举自己在贫穷门限之上。不幸地, 许多的旅游业潜力的一大部份这些国家依然是未利用由于几个限制的因素, 特别是缺乏基础设施和通信系统, 缺乏在公共业务, 新信息技术技能的组织或在人力资源发展。并且, 某些经济的不足的多样化, 特别是在海岛国家情况下, 并且疏忽考虑到旅游业发展的具体方面, 增加漏出风险和防止旅游业spending..s 倍数效应的充分的好处充分地实现。我们希望因此, 这个山顶导致这些考虑的更加巨大的了悟, 将允许我们做好。