

A newly-wedded couple on a four-month honeymoon 


A newly-wedded couple on a four-month honeymoon were hit by six natural disasters, including the Australian floods, Christchurch earthquake and Japanese tsunami.Stefan and Erika Svanstrom left Stockholm, Sweden, on December 6 and were immediately stranded (搁浅) in Munich, Germany, due to one of Europe's worst snowstorms.

Travelling with their baby daughter, they flew on to Cairns in Australia which was then struck by one of the most violent cyclones in the nation's history.From there, the couple, in their 20s, were forced to shelter for 24 hours on the cement (水泥) floor of a shopping centre with 2,500 others.

"Trees were being knocked over and big branches were put down across the streets, " Mr. Svanstrom told Sweden's Expression newspaper. "We escaped by the skin of our teeth."

  The couple then flew to Christchurch, New Zealand, arriving just after a massive magnitude (震级) 6.3 earthquake attacked the city on February 22.