

1. Writing Idea: The theme of "whether Chinese people should celebrate Western holidays" can be explored from the perspective of China's opening up to the world and its willingness to embrace different customs and traditions. The focus can be on the benefits of celebrating Western holidays, such as cultural exchange and globalization.
2. Nowadays, Western customs have gradually been introduced into China, allowing many residents in big cities to enjoy holidays like Christmas and April Fool's Day. This phenomenon indicates that people around the world are growing closer and the world is becoming more interconnected. Therefore, in my opinion, this is a normal and inevitable trend.
3. This trend shows that Chinese people are becoming more open-minded, rather than clinging to ancient customs that are out of sync with modern life. It demonstrates our embrace of diversity and our willingness to learn from other cultures.
4. Conclusion: Therefore, I believe that it is acceptable for Chinese people to celebrate Western holidays. This does not mean we are abandoning our own cultural traditions, but rather that we are expanding our horizons and enriching our lives through the appreciation of different cultures.