

小题1:We/ I/ You eat apples every day. 小题2:The girl/She is/was sleepy. 小题3:The mother takes/took the kid to the park. My mother took me to the park. 小题4:It will rain tomorrow/ It will be rainy to tomorrow. 小题5:The old man/He is watering the flowers/plants/grass/vegetables now. 小题1:根据图示及单词提示,可知本图主要是说每天吃苹果。结合语境可知本文描述的是客观性的动作,用一般现在时态。注意主谓一致问题。故填:We/ I/ You eat apples every day. 小题2:根据图示及单词提示,可知本图主要是说这个女孩睡着了。结合语境可知本句可用一般现在时态或者过去时态表述。注意主语she是单数第三人称,谓语动词用单数。填:The girl/She is/was sleepy. 小题3:根据图示及单词提示,可知本图主要内容是一位母亲带孩子去公园。。结合语境可知本句可用一般现在时态或者过去时态表述。注意主语the mother是单数第三人称,谓语动词用单数。填:The mother takes/took the kid to the park. My mother took me to the park. 小题4:根据图片及单词提示,可知本图主要讲述的是明天要下雨了。结合语境可知本句可用一般将来时态表述。故填: It will rain tomorrow/ It will be rainy to tomorrow. 小题5:根据图片及单词提示,可知本图主要是讲一位老人在浇花。结合语境可知本句描述的是现在正在进行的动作,故用一般现在时态进行表述。故填:The old man/He is watering the flowers/plants/grass/vegetables now.