

第1个回答  推荐于2018-04-02
Many years ago, there was an emperor, in order to look beautiful, he is willing to spend all his money. He doesn't care about his army, also don't like to go to the theatre, also don't like to swim in the carriage park - unless it is to show off his new clothes, he every day for a suit every one o 'clock. When people mention he always said: "the emperor in the locker room."
One day, he live in the big cities, to the two cheats. They call themselves weavers and said they were able to weave the human can see the most beautiful cloth. This cloth is not only the color and pattern are particularly beautiful, and sewing the clothes and the characteristics of a singular: any incompetent or stupid hopeless people, can't see the clothes.

"That's what the ideal clothes!" The emperor thought, "I wear the clothes, you can see what my kingdom, and his position disproportionate; I can tell who is a wise man, who is a fool. Yes, I want to call them immediately to weave such a cloth for me!" So he paid a lot of cash to the two cheats, so that they began to work immediately.

They pose two looms and pretended to be working, but they loom, there is not even the shadow of a few things. They urgently request to send them some of the finest silk and the best gold. They put these things into their own pockets, only on the two overhead loom busy, has been late into the night.

"I'd want to know, how they weave cloth." Thought the emperor. However, when he think of people who are stupid or incompetent people can't see the cloth, he was not a natural heart did feel a little. He believes that he himself is need not to fear. Even so, he still felt that first sent a person to see the progress of the work situation comparison is in order. The whole city people heard that this fabric has a how weird power, so we are all very eager to take this opportunity to quiz: their neighbor how stupid, or how silly.

"I'm going to send my honest old minister to the weavers to go there." The emperor thought, "he could see the cloth is what appearance, because he is a very sensible man, is good at the same time this is, who is not as good as his competent."

The good old minister went to the two cheats room, see they are busy on the empty looms.

"May god have mercy on me!" The old minister wants to. His eyes particularly big, "I didn't see anything!" But he didn't dare to put the other words out.

The two cheats asked him to come a bit nearer, and at the same time, pointing to the two overhead loom asked his pattern is very beautiful, color is very beautiful. The poor old minister growing larger and more eyes, but he still can't see anything, because really nothing to see.

"My good god!" He thought, "am I a fool? I have never doubted myself. It must not let anyone know. Am I the incompetent? No! I can never let people know I can't see the cloth."

"Hey, you have no opinion?" A liar is weaving says.

"Oh, how beautiful! Is really fantastic!" Said the old minister, aside from his glasses watch carefully, "what a beautiful pattern! What fine colours! Yes, I'm going to be reported to the emperor, I'm very pleased with this cloth."

"Well, we listened to very happy." "Said the swindlers. So they will put these rare and described the color and pattern, plus some nouns. The old minister listened attentively, in order to go back to the emperor there, so you can carry out. In fact, he did.

The two swindlers asked for more money, more silk and gold, and a need for weaving. They put them all into the pockets.

Before long, the emperor sent another honest officials to see the situation of the work. The official's fortune is not better than the head of a minister, he looked again at, but what also have no the two overhead the loom, and he couldn't see anything.

"You see this piece of cloth is beautiful not beautiful?" Asked the two swindlers. They point to describe some beautiful decorative pattern, in fact they don't exist.

"I'm not stupid!" The official thought, "this is probably now I don't deserve such a nice office? This is really funny, but I never let a person see!" As a result, he didn't see the cloth completely praise, promised to them at the same time, he a decorative pattern on these beautiful colors and feel satisfied. "Yes, it was too beautiful!" He said to the emperor.

The city all of people are talking about the beautiful cloth.

When the fabric was still on the loom, the emperor is very want to go to a look at it. He selected a group of special tagged suite - including has ever been to the two honest minister. Then he went to where the two cunning liar. These guys are fabric with full energy, but can't see the shadow of a line.

"You don't think the cloth is luxuriant luxuriant?" The two honest officials said, "your majesty please see: what a beautiful pattern! What fine colours!" They pointed to the overhead loom, because they believe that others can see the cloth.

"This is going on?" The emperor thought, "I saw nothing! It was appalling. Am I a stupid person? Am I not enough qualified as an emperor? This but I met a most terrible thing." "Oh, that's wonderful!" The emperor said, "I'm extremely happy!"

He nodded his satisfaction. He carefully looked at the loom, for he would not say he saw nothing. Follow him to read and reread all the suite also carefully, but they didn't see a lot more than others. However, like the emperor, they also said: "oh, that's wonderful!" They advised the emperor, in this novel, beautiful cloth to make clothes, wearing the clothes to attend the ceremony is held demonstrations. "The cloth is gorgeous! Fine! One like you!" Each of the echo. Each have say a happiness. The emperor gave liar Sir Each one a title and a medal can be hung on a buttonhole, and seal them for the "royal employer woven division".

The next morning, the parade ceremony will be held. In the first night, two swindlers didn't sleep all night, a candle up 16 above. People can see they are working against the night work, to finish the emperor's new clothes. They pretended to is in the cloth from the loom. They used two cut shears in the air for a while, at the same time, with no threading the needle sewing. In the end, they said: "look! The new clothes!"

The emperor with a group of his most noble knights come in person. Each of two swindlers held up a hand, as if with a something. They said: "please look, this is the pants, this is the hem of the robe! This is coat!" "This dress gentle like a spider's web, people can feel like nothing on, this is what the advantages of these clothes."

"Exactly." All the knights said. But they saw nothing, for nothing.

"The emperor now, please take off clothes," said the swindlers, "ok, let's put on new clothes for you in front of the big mirror."

The emperor took off all his clothes. The swindlers pretended to one by one to sew them just good to his new clothes. They are his waist there for a while, as if to then he tied on a something - this is the skirt. A round of the emperor in front of the mirror body, twist twist waist.

"God, how the clothes fit! How nice!" Everyone said, "what a beautiful pattern! What fine colours! That is really a precious clothes!"

"People are waiting outside, canopy, ready to participate in the parade ceremony in order to take on your majesty!" Marshall said.

"Yes, I have to wear good," the emperor said, "this dress fits me?" So he is in front of the mirror he turn his body again, because he wants to make everyone feel he is carefully watching his beautiful new clothes.

Those supporting skirt after officials handle ashes on the ground to touch touch, as if they are picking up dress. They walk, hand in the air, they dare not let a person look out they really didn't see anything.

In this way, the emperor in the richly under the canopy of the parade. Standing on the street and the window of people say: "dear! The emperor's new suit is gorgeous! His coat after the dress is so beautiful! This dress fits his true!" Who is not willing to let people know they can't see anything, because this will show their incompetence, or too stupid. All the emperor clothes has never won the praise.

"But he is not what clothes to wear!" A little boy cried out at last.

"Oh god, you listen to the sound naive!" My father said. So we put the child speak to spread in a low voice.

"He doesn't wear what clothes! Have a child said what he did not wear!"

"He was not wearing any clothes!" Finally, all the people said. The emperor is a little shiver, because he seems to feel that people speak is true. But his heart is so think: "I have to put this parade ceremony held over." So he assumed a more proud of his officials follow behind him, hands holding a dress after that doesn't exist.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2018-04-02