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How much do you think beauty and intelligence mean to a lady?We used to think that the most attrative lady must firstly have a very beautiful appearance and fine figure. But now we are thinking about this question very differently. Intelligence is becoming more important when we are talking about attracting the others' attention.Beauty is actually also very necessary if you want to attract the others for the first time. But I'm sure that a beautiful lady without intelligence will be forgotten by others sooner or later.So, please be both pretty and smart, girls!

2.goodliness and wisdom both of them are so attractive,many person scratch their head over them while facing to choose one of them,in my view,I think wisdom is more important than good looks.If you are a wisdom both welldoer,you looks lovely too,by contraries,if you have nothing but a good looks,no one will support you but commiserate you!
Therefore,as a wisdom,it's better to choose latter