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我读了美国著名作家海明威的小说《老人与海》,十分佩服小说中老渔夫的意志,他让我懂得了一个人一定要有坚持不懈的精神,才能获得成功。 小说描写的是一个年近六旬的老渔夫,在一次单身出海打鱼时,钓到了一条大鱼,却拉不上来。老渔夫同鱼周旋了几天后,才发现这是一条超过自己渔船数倍的大马林鱼,虽然明知很难取胜,但仍不放弃。后来又因大马林鱼伤口上的鱼腥味引来了几群鲨鱼抢食,但老人仍不愿就这样放弃,最终突出重围,将大鱼带回了渔港,让其他渔夫佩服不已。 人生本来就是一种无止境的追求。它的道路漫长、艰难,而且充满坎坷,但只要自己勇敢顽强地以一颗自信的心去迎接挑战,他将永远是一个真正的胜利者!
我求求你们了 大哥行行好吧

I read a famous American writer Ernest Hemingway's novel, "Hits", very much appreciated the novel old fisherman's will, he let me know how a person must have perseverance to be successful. Describes the novel is a nearly Liu Xun old fisherman, when fishing in a single sea, caught a big fish, but not pull up. Old fisherman with the fish deal after several days, they find it is a fishing boat several times more than their big marlin, while knowing that it is difficult to win, but not to give up. Marlins wound was compounded by large fish smell attracted several groups of sharks grab, but the elderly are still reluctant to give up and eventually Breakthrough, the big fish back to the fishing port, so that other fisherman endless admiration. Life itself is a kind of endless pursuit. It is the road long, difficult and full of ups and downs but as long as its own tenaciously to a brave heart to meet the challenges of self-confidence, he will always be a real winner!
第1个回答  2009-08-24
太长了 ~~~~郁闷