


Idioms are some unique long-term use of phrases and sentences fixed. Idioms usually have distinct image, and in the process of translating, faithful, if can idioms significance of the original image of idioms, will be better able to maintain the style of the original. Idioms is a brilliant culture and embodies the pearl of the overwhelming majority of the people, and wisdom has a strong ethnic characteristics and local characteristics. Because each district is different, the culture of chinese-english idioms with different characteristics, which requires us in the process of translation, as far as possible to reduce the difference between them. Based on the definition of chinese-english idioms, characteristic and classification of chinese-english idioms, and put forward some skills of translation.


Idioms are some unique set phases and clauses used by people for a long time, which often has bright image. During the translation process, besides faithful to the original meaning of the idioms, the style of the original text will be maintain if the original image of idioms can translate vividly. Idioms are the brilliant pearl, which embody the people's wisdom and efforts and possess the national style and the special and distinctive local style. Since different regions have different cultures, Chinese-English idioms have their own features. Translators should narrow the gap as much as they can between two cultures. The thesis puts forward some efficient skills in translating Chinese-English idioms, which based on the definition, classification, characteristics of Chinese-English idioms.

第1个回答  2009-12-23

Idioms are some unique fixed phrases and sentences used by people for a long time. In general, idioms have some distinct images.
When translating,the style of original text will be better retained if the image of original idioms could be translated on the basis of faithfulness to the meaning of original idioms.Idioms,a briliant and shining star in a culture, a conhesion of efforts and wisdom of the mass all over the world, have strong national and regional characteristics. Due to difference in regional culture, Chinese- English idioms have their own features, which requires us to try to reduce the difference between these two languages when translating. The thesis will focus on some techiques can be used in Chinese-English idioms translation in the respect of definition,characteristics and classifications of Chinese-English idioms.
第2个回答  2009-12-23
Idioms are some unique long-term use of phrases and sentences fixed. Idioms usually have distinct image, and in the process of translating, faithful, if can idioms significance of the original image of idioms, will be better able to maintain the style of the original. Idioms is a brilliant culture and embodies the pearl of the overwhelming majority of the people, and wisdom has a strong ethnic characteristics and local characteristics. Because each district is different, the culture of chinese-english idioms with different characteristics, which requires us in the process of translation, as far as possible to reduce the difference between them. Based on the definition of chinese-english idioms, characteristic and classification of chinese-english idioms, and put forward some skills of translation.
第3个回答  2009-12-23
Idioms are some phrases and short sentences that people have used throughout a long history. Idioms often have a distinct impression; when in a process of translating idioms,besides the translators have to accordingly interpret the literal meaning of the original text, they could bring out the impression of the idioms, which will better maintain linguistic style of the original text. Idioms is the radiant pearl in human culture, they are collaborated by people's creativity and wisdom, they are enriched with ethnical and local characteristics. Due to the differnces of culture in various regions, Chinese and English idioms each has its own distinct Idioms are some phrases and short sentences that people have used throughout a long history. Idioms often have a distinct impression; when in a process of translating idioms,besides the translators have to accordingly interpret the literal meaning of the original text, they could bring out the impression of the idioms, which will better maintain linguistic style of the original text. Idioms is the radiant pearl in human culture, they are collaborated by people's creativity and wisdom, they are enriched with ethnical and local characteristics. Due to the differences of culture in various region, Chinese and English idioms have their own linguistic features. That requires us as much as possible to reduce the linguistic differences between them during the translating process.This article brings forward some techniques on definitions features and classification and translation of C&E idioms.
第4个回答  2009-12-23
Idiom is that people long-term use of some unique fixed phrases and phrases. Idioms tend to have a clear image, in the translation process, in addition to the faithful the original idiom meaning, Should the translation be able to come out the image of the original idiom will be able to better maintain the original style. Idioms are incomparable culture of a bright pearl, embodies the painstaking efforts and wisdom of the masses of people, with strong ethnic characteristics and local characteristics. As the various regions cultural differences, Chinese and English idioms have their own different characteristics, we are required in the translation process, as much as possible to reduce the difference between the two. In this paper, the definition of English idioms, characteristics and classification of some Chinese-English translation of idioms skills.
第5个回答  2009-12-23
Idiom is that people long-term use of some unique fixed phrases and phrases. Idioms tend to have a clear image, in the translation process, in addition to the faithful the original idiom meaning, Should the translation be able to come out the image of the original idiom will be able to better maintain the original style. Idioms are incomparable culture of a bright pearl, embodies the painstaking efforts and wisdom of the masses of people, with strong ethnic characteristics and local characteristics. As the various regions cultural differences, Chinese and English idioms have their own different characteristics, we are required in the translation process, as much as possible to reduce the difference between the two. In this paper, the definition of English idioms, characteristics and classification of some Chinese-English translation of idioms skills.