

第1个回答  2022-11-27


   1. 雅思小作文写作结构搭建:

  (1) 第一段的introduction:直接改写题目——句型主动改被动或是反之,单词可做稍微替换,虽然说改写比较简单,但是这一步骤缺一不可。一定要改写题目,一定不能照抄。

  (2) 第二段的overview:图表中,你最先看到的,最最明显的特征,你这里可以做以下稍微的总结,因为怕你后面没时间进行总结,小作文的时间最多只有20分钟,要放在大作文后面写,很多时候大作文会占据大于40分钟的时间,那么你的小作文时间就会来不及,那么在这里你对于最最明显的特征进行总结,就算到后面没时间,也不会因为没有对图表特征进行总结而扣分。

  (3) 第三段的details:图表所提供的信息就是需要你进行对比的。对比分两种:纵向和横向。纵向是跟自己比,比之前自己增长了,还是下降了;横向比是跟别人比,跟比人比我是第一还是最后。图表中的数据信息,你无需所有的数据都写在你的文中里,只需要特征明显的,比如位于首位,位于最后这种,还有就是一定要进行对比。

  (4) 如果你前面的overview段有总结了,就无需再来个结尾段了,不过要是有时间,你也可以进行一句话的结尾。

   2. 雅思小作文素材积累


  时期:from…to, between…and, over/ during the period from 1995 to 2005=over/during the period of one decade

  上升:go up, climb, grow, rise, increase, ascend, show an upward trend=show an increasing/rise trend

  表明/揭示:show/reveal/indicate/reflect/present/describe/illustrate/demonstrate/compare/give informationabout + n

  缓慢、逐渐:slow, slowly=gradually=steadily=consistently=step by step,contious

  迅速:rapid, quick, swift,sudden, sharp, dramatic

  小幅度:slight(ly), modest(ly), moderate(ly), marginal(ly)

  大幅度、明显:sharp,drastic, considerable, noticeable, marked, dramatic, significant, substantially,

  下降:fall, go down, drop, decrease, decline, descend, dip, dipped, show a downward trend, plummet, plunge

  波动:fluctuate, fluctuation,eg: rise with some fluctuation, go up and down=be unstable/flexible=be in instability/flexibility

  保持平稳、不变:level out/off at + n=stabilize / hover at + n= reach a plateau at +  n

  Stay/keep/remain/maintain + stable/ unchanged/constant at+ n

  大约:about,around, almost, nearly, roughly, approximately, just over/under…,… or so

  达到最大值:reach the maximum=reach the peak/summit/culmination at + n=peak/summit/culminate at…=reach the highest point at

  达到最小值: reach the minimum=reach/touch the bottom at…=bottom out at…=reach the lowest point at…

  补充:according to = in accordance with= based in= in terms of =in the light of = in line with

  Comparing…=compared with/to…=in comparison with…= different from…

  While, whilst, whereas, yet

  To conclude, in conclusion=to summarize, in summary=to sum up=all in all =overall

   3. 雅思小作文写作训练



