英语自我介绍 准确的 尽量口语化一点 好记一点 请英语好的帮忙了 谢谢

我叫XX 今年23 性格比较开朗
回来后曾经自己销售服装 但是我觉得没有任何前途
所以我想找到一份有发展前途的工作 而贵公司很有发展潜力 所以我今天过来尝试一下 希望可以得到您的赏识
我平时喜欢挺欧美流行音乐 上网看看新闻 有时间的话做些运动
对于英语方面 我的口语要比我的文笔好的多 我很惭愧 我的英语其实不算出色 但是我还是希望您可以给我一个锻炼 学习的机会 我会好好努力的
待遇方面 我希望可以拿到标准工资 底薪在1000左右吧 每周有休息 其他没什么
最后希望您给我一个学习 发展的机会
再加两句 我是商务英语专业


Hello,nice to meet you,I'm very glad to be here today!

My name is XX,twenty three years old,very easy-going and open-minded as you can see.I graduated from Nanjing Jinken College in June 2008,majoring in Business English.

After graduation,I did some food sales jobs in Nanjing for 10 months from August 2008 to May 2009.While,given that the rent was too high in Nanjing and I hardly afforded it,I decided to risign and go back home.And then,I tried selling clothes by myself,but the result was not as bright as I expected.

so I plan to do some jobs with good prospects,and after deep consideration,I find that your company has great developing potentials,and might be my best choice.The position I wish to apply for is clerk or assistant.I'm really honored to get this interview and I'll do all my best to this job if I can have this oppotunity.

Just like other young people,I like pop music of Europe and America.Besides,I like watching news in internet and do some sports if available.

As to English,My oral is much better than my writing,and I have to say my English is not quite excellent,but I'm always ready to learn and I'm a quick learner,so I request you offer me this good chance,I'll do anything I can to do the job well.

And for payment,I wish to have standard salary,and my prospective basic salary is about 1000 yuan with normal weekends every week.

That's all my request and all I want is to get this job,I am definitely sure I'll do this job with all my heart and your satisfaction is my best reward.

Thank you!
第1个回答  2010-02-26
My name is XX twenty-three outgoing personalities
June 2008 graduated with nanjing gold Ken institute
August 2008-09 stores in nanjing in May work in sales
Because of the high rent to resign in nanjing
After come back once your clothing but I think no future
So I want to find a promising work and your company has great development potential so I came today try to get your recognition
I like music very euramerican popularity news online to see if you have time to do some exercise
For my oral English than I was better than I was ashamed of my English is not good, but I hope you can give me a chance I'll take exercise study hard
I hope to get a salary standard wage base in a week's rest around 1,000 other nothing
We hope you can give me a learning opportunity of development
I am business English specialty
I wish to apply for this company's agent or assistant position