

阅读理解:If you think about it, work-life balance 


If you think about it, work-life balance is a strange ambition for a fulfilling life. Balance is about stasis (静止状态): if our lives were ever in balance — parents happy, kids taken care of, work working — then our thought would be to shout "Nobody move!" and pray all would stay perfect forever. This false hope is made worse by the categories themselves. They imply that work is bad, and life is good. And so the challenge, we are told, is to balance the heaviness of work with the lightness of life.

    Yet work is not the opposite of life. It is instead a part of life — just as family is, as are friends and community. All of these aspects of living have their share of uplifting moments and moments that drag us down. The same is true of work. Treat work the same way you do life: by maximizing what you love.

We have interviewed several anesthesiologists about the thrills they feel in their jobs. One said he loved the thrill of holding each patient hovering at that one precise point between life and death. Another said she loved the bedside conversations before the operation aiming to calm the panic that affects many patients.