
作文1:银河中学从美国和加拿大聘请了3为外籍教师担任明年的教学任务 在今天下午举行的宴会上你将代表学校对他们的到来表示真诚的欢迎,请根据这个写一疯欢迎辞 并告知3为外籍教师 他们的到来是学校的及大荣幸 如果他们遇到什么困难一定要校方知道
作文2:写信人为张宏 天津滨海职业学院 立修营销学 在一家大型企业任推销职务3年 信内容 6月25日某公司在天津日报 上刊登了一则招聘销售部经历的广告 想应聘销售部经理一职并跟随信寄去简历及相关资料
务必在后天之前回答 答的好的给加分

1 On behalf of my school, I would like to welcome you to our school. It's our great honor to have you here and be our teachers, we really appreciate it. However,if you get any troubles in your daily life here, please let us know, we will be gald to help you.We hope you will like the environment and studying atmosphere here in our school, and once again we are very happy to have you here.
2 Dear Sirs,
I saw your news in Tianjin Daily of June 25 and I'm writing to apply the Sales Department Manager position which you advertised in the newspaper.As requested, I am enclosingmy resume and some relative information.
I graduated from Tianjin Binhai Vocational College and majored in marketing.However, I served marketing job in a large enterprise for 3 years.
The opportunity presented in this listing is very interesting, and I believe that my strong technical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position. The key strengths that I possess for success in this position include:

* I have successfully designed, developed, and supported live use applications
* I strive for continued excellence
* I'm responsible for my jobs .
I am available to meet with you at a time that's convenient to you. Please contact me to set up a time. I look forward to hear from you soon.
注意信得格式,因为发出去的时候格式会乱,你可以百度一下,看一下英语写信的格式,或者你用齐头式,就是不用空两格,都是靠边写,Dear Sirs,正文,sincerely,和姓名都靠边写,不用空格。
第1个回答  2010-01-11
你不一定非在这等 你可以去别的地方查查有没有类似题目的 作文 文章
你也可以到什么英语角啦 什么什么聊天的房间里 找人带写
你根据这个题目用汉语写一篇简单的小作文 然后一句一句的翻译一下
别说我无耻 要不我跟你急