

A:What will you plan tu do this coming holiday?
B:I'd like to go traveling.
A:Oh! That's wonderful!
B:But…I haven't decided where to go.
A:I suggest that you may go to another country,that's so cool!
B:But I afraid that it will take my too much time to go abroad.
A:You mean that you'd like to travel in China.
A:I see.L think Beijing is a goo choice!
A:Yes.Beijing is the capital of China.There are lots of wonderful historic places.For example,the Great Wall and the Palace Museaum both are familiar to people all around the world.
A:That souds so nice.Thank you for your suggestion.
B:That's all right.Wish you a happy holiday.
A:The same to you.
回答者:CrystalDemon - 见习魔法师 三级 10-4 21:38

Today is Sunday,I go to visit the Great Wall with my friends.There are so many people in the place of interest.We have fun there.It 's a wonderful experence!
回答者:fzn0728 - 见习魔法师 二级 10-4 21:40

回答者:gy226600 - 试用期 一级 10-4 21:41

A:Oh!nice to see you!
B:Oh!dear,is this A?
A:what's the matter with you?is there something wrong?
B:oh,no,i nearly can't recognise you.Why you are so black?Where did you have gone?
A:haha,i had been to hailan island.i had been there for swimming and sunshine days and days.you see,that is why i'm so black.
B:yea,it seems you have a good day there,isn't it?
A:Of course i do.why do you look so grey?where do you had gone this holiday?
B:oh,i had gone to a very boring place,???,i don't like there at all.for i hated ???.but the time is no enough for me,you know.i had to spend lots of time to study,if no i will fall to pass the exam.
A:Poor guy,i hope god let you pass.
B:if you say any words again i will make practise on your head.
A:haha,just a joke.oh,i still have something busy to do .see you again.
B:see you.
第1个回答  2006-10-04
A:What will you plan tu do this coming holiday?
B:I'd like to go traveling.
A:Oh! That's wonderful!
B:But…I haven't decided where to go.
A:I suggest that you may go to another country,that's so cool!
B:But I afraid that it will take my too much time to go abroad.
A:You mean that you'd like to travel in China.
A:I see.L think Beijing is a goo choice!
A:Yes.Beijing is the capital of China.There are lots of wonderful historic places.For example,the Great Wall and the Palace Museaum both are familiar to people all around the world.
A:That souds so nice.Thank you for your suggestion.
B:That's all right.Wish you a happy holiday.
A:The same to you.
第3个回答  2006-10-16
A:Oh!nice to see you!
B:Oh!dear,is this A?
A:what's the matter with you?is there something wrong?
B:oh,no,i nearly can't recognise you.Why you are so black?Where did you have gone?
A:haha,i had been to hailan island.i had been there for swimming and sunshine days and days.you see,that is why i'm so black.
B:yea,it seems you have a good day there,isn't it?
A:Of course i do.why do you look so grey?where do you had gone this holiday?
B:oh,i had gone to a very boring place,???,i don't like there at all.for i hated ???.but the time is no enough for me,you know.i had to spend lots of time to study,if no i will fall to pass the exam.
A:Poor guy,i hope god let you pass.
B:if you say any words again i will make practise on your head.
A:haha,just a joke.oh,i still have something busy to do .see you again.
B:see you.(初三的)
第4个回答  2006-10-04
Today is Sunday,I go to visit the Great Wall with my friends.There are so many people in the place of interest.We have fun there.It 's a wonderful experence!
第5个回答  2006-10-05
B:The Holiday is coming, Have you plan to have a ctirp?
A:Yes, I plan to plan to Tohyo to have a ctrip.
B:Oh! I know you want to shopping there.
A:Yes! There're a lot of huge department stores. And there are many tall buildings and famous hotels.
B:Ye! Tokyo is a international city. l think you will love it!
A:Maby l will.
B:Ok.Have a good time! And don't froget to send present to me!
