求中翻英,不要机译!谢谢~~ 第三,你不用担心会离婚收场。因为现今离婚的越来越高,你无法确定婚後



thirdly, you dont need to worry about being divorced. because more and more marriges end up with divorces nowadays. you dont know for sure whether you and your partner could be happy together for the rest of your lives. so no marrige, no divorce, and thus no suffer from divorcing.
第1个回答  2016-07-22
Third, you do not need to be afraid of divorce Because of the increasingly high divorce, you can not determine the marriage with the other half a lifetime of happiness Don't get married so you don't have to worry about divorce, also need not fear the pain of a divorce
第2个回答  2016-07-22
Third, you don't affraid divorse .because divorcement is more than before.
you can't make sure anything about marriage.
第3个回答  2016-07-22