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注:但凡是()里的,是为了翻译通顺加入的内容,【 】为译者补充的内容或者背景。

播音员:Hello, the first two albums were some of the plant’s biggest sellers, but it’s five years since she sings. 你好,首先的两个专辑是来自全球最畅销的唱片,但是这是她继五年前所出的唱片新出的组品。Song writer Dido was last on the music scene. 刚刚音乐屏幕上看到的是作曲家蒂朵。 Now there she is, back with Safe Trip Home, 她带着她的新唱片《一路顺风》回来了。a record that she says that has stretched her both musically and emotionally. 这张唱片,据她自己描述,让她不仅在音乐上,也在情感上得以延伸。Fionnuala sat down with the artist ahead of the album’s launch. 在这个唱片即将发行前,我们的主持人Fionnuala采访了这位艺术家。

[Subtitle: “Don’t Believe In Love” from “Safe Journey Home”]【荧屏字幕:来自《Safe Journey Home》(一路顺风)专辑的《别相信爱》】[Music: I wanna go to bed with arms around me but wake up on my own...] 【背景音乐:我想上床睡觉能有一只环绕我的臂膀,但总是一个人醒来…】『歌词翻译参考:http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/76730830

蒂朵:How I express myself is through songs. You know. 你知道,我是通过音乐来表达我自己的。I am used to work as a way to express myself. 我就是通过类似工作的方式来表达我自己。

[Music “…til you go home”]. 【背景音乐:…直到你回家】
蒂朵: I actually never have a concept about anything I do in my life. 其实我从来对自己要做什么以维生并没有概念。But if I have one mini-concept musically this time was. 但是,如果我对这次生命旅程有一丁点儿概念的话,那就是音乐了。You know I really want to reference what I love about electronic music, you know, is that it’s where I come from. 你知道,我真的想要指出了我喜欢电子音乐的地方就是电子音乐已经是我的一种身份。【原文本意:我是从电子音乐而来的】And, but you actually use all, you know, real instruments and sort of … 但是,(虽然说是电子音乐),其实你知道,我们用了所有的实体乐器和音乐元素。

[music & SonyVideo BVG] 【背景音乐和录像:索尼录像BVG】
主持Fionnuala Sweeney:When in terms of music, that implies a lot of improvisation. 当讲到音乐时,这意味着许多即兴演奏吧。

蒂朵:Yep, a huge amount. 是,很多(即兴演奏的成分) And actually just a huge amount of us just sitting there and playing, and huge amount of me recording stuff at home, just on the fly, and in my kitchen… 事实上,很多时候我们只是坐在那儿演奏,很多时候我录音,有时候灵感一现,有时候在我厨房里。and I think what I love about this record now is that it is a real mixture of the sort of more low file stuff that was just done by me at home, and record it quite badly and actually getting guys to rewrite them and then recording whole orchestras – and just having an amazing time. 现在我觉得我喜欢这个唱片在于它综合了我在家做的一些普通低调的作品,(开始)录制得很差,实际上还叫人重做了,然后又录制了整个管弦乐部分 ---这是一段极棒的(创作)时光。

主持Fionnuala Sweeney:I know that, I mean, some of the songs I listened to, and one of the songs was “Grafton Street” – I immediately start to thinking is it Grafton Street in Dublin or Grafton Street in Mayfair. 我明白。我是指,有些我听到的歌曲,其中一首叫《格拉夫顿街》——我一听就开始琢磨这究竟是指都柏林的格拉夫顿街,还是指梅费尔的格拉夫顿街。

蒂朵:It is actually a mixture of Grafton Streets. 其实这首歌是混指格拉夫顿街。There’s a few that’s relevant. 有好几条都是相关的。It’s, you know, it is definitely referencing Grafton Street in Dublin. 确实,如你所说的,也指都柏林的格拉夫顿街。

[music: no more trips to Grafton Street, no more going there…] 【背景音乐《格拉夫顿街》: 再也不去格拉夫顿街了,再也不去那儿了…】

蒂朵:At first, I feel quite awkward about people hearing it, because it’s a very personal song. 起先,我觉得让别人听这首歌很别扭,因为这是一首相当个人的歌曲。And I lost my dad a couple of years ago, and so, you know, it’s about that. 我两年前失去了父亲,你知道,这首歌就是关于这个。I am actually happy it’s on there now, cause’ I feel like it’s sort of fitting memory for him that me and my brother got to do. 现在我很高兴我把它放上了这个专辑,因为我觉得对我和我哥哥都是很美好的回忆。And you know I’m glad I have recorded it at the end of it, which at the time, I was like “I am going to do it anyway, anyone can hear it and I’m just going to put it on.” 而且你晓得,我最后很高兴录制了这首歌,当时我就想啊,“无论如何我都要这么做了,大家都会听到,我要把它放进专辑”。And I’m actually glad that I did it, cause’ when I listen to it, it reminds me of when we were kids, he used to always sing us songs. 我真的很高兴我这么做了,因为当我听这首曲子时,我回想起我们还是小孩子的时候,他常给我们唱的歌谣。

主持Fionnuala Sweeney:I’m reminded of Chris Martain in Coldplay when they were releasing his last album, he said that they got a little bit shock because the press were writing some things intentionally personal. And they have to almost have to talk about it. It is hard to believe at some stage it becomes so personal that you forget that there is a public out there. 这让我想到了Coldplay乐队的Chris Martain在上次发行的专辑时提到,他们有些震惊,因为媒体写到了一些本应为个人隐私的话题,而这些话题他们又几乎不得不说。很难相信到某个阶段后,一切变得如此个人化,以至于你会忘记外面还有公众在那儿。

蒂朵:No, you really do though. I am glad that someone else have said that, because I always thought that, you know, my personal name is completely forgot, but it is such personal thing to write a song. You just sit at home, you just got a guitar or you are on a piano and wrote in your pen and paper, you are not thinking who is going to hear it. 确实如此,你的确会忘记。我很高兴有人这么说过了,因为我常想,我几乎忘记了本来的我,但是写歌真的是很个人的一件事。你待在家里,你拿个吉他或者坐在钢琴前,用纸笔写着,你根本就不会想到将来谁会听到你的作品。

主持Fionnuala Sweeney:Do you have ever listened back to your music and wonder A. where you get your inspirations musically from what you would like to listen to, but also how your music has evolved all those years since that first album. 你有没有回放过你的音乐,一边回想你是从哪些你喜欢听的音乐里得到的灵感,一边思考自从第一个专辑发行以来,这些年你的音乐是如何演变的。

蒂朵:Yep. I can hear even my voice, you know, just from touring for 9 years, my voice is completely changed and also like ... when I did No Angel. 是的,我可以听出来我的声音,你知道自从过去九年的环球巡演以后,我的嗓音彻底的改变了,特别是我做了《No Angel》以后。

[music: he said, let us go down in the woods…] 【背景音乐:他说,让我们走到森林里吧…来自《Us 2 little gods》】

蒂朵:One of the greatest pleasures I have is people coming up to me and telling their own crazy meanings of things. I love it, you know, I love it, when you are so specific about something, and someone else’s got entirely different meaning of the song. 令我最开心的一件事就是有人跟我来分享他们对歌曲的独特理解。我很喜欢,你知道,我很爱(这样的分享)。当你非常具体地用歌曲表达某种感情或者叙述某件事,别人却得到了完全不同的解读。

[music: Some days, I wanna, and some days, I don’t; Sometimes I can feel it and suddenly it’s gone….] 【音乐“It comes and it goes”(捉摸不定) 有时我需要爱,有时不需要,有时我能感觉它的存在,有时却又突然消失】『歌词翻译参考:http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/107316482.html

主持:Well, it’s Dido and … 这就是蒂朵,我们下面的节目是…


第1个回答  2010-02-12