

S for shop assistant,L for Li Hua

S:What can I do for you,sir?先生,我能为您做点什么?(有什么需要效劳的吗?)
L:Yes,I am looking for a sweater.好的,我想买件毛衣。
S:So,what kind of sweater do you want,the style,the color,the size?那么您想要一件什么样的毛衣呢,款式,颜色,大小?
L:Well,I just want a medium-size white sweater.呃,我只是想要件中号的白毛衣。
S:Let me check.How about this one?让我看看,这件怎么样?
L:May I try it on?我可以试试吗?
S:Sure,let me help you.当然,让我帮你一下。
L:Thank you!谢谢!
L:Could you tell me how much it is?能告我一下这件多少钱吗?
S:In the neighbourhoud of RMB500yuan.大概RMB500块。
L:That costs too much money.I have to ask for another price reduction.
S:How about 450?450怎么样?
L:OK!I'll accept your offer. 好的,就拿这件吧。
第1个回答  2014-07-30
到O1S英语,ABC添下英与,多恩加英语去吧!可以从零基础学起,他们比较注重实际应用能力.好.,在那待过短时间,感觉还不错,我大学的时候去过那里学习,而且这个学习起来很方便,不用你跑来跑去学习,可以通过一些新颖的学习模式来增加自己对英语学习的兴趣。A:Where do you want to go on vacation?B:I want to go to the beach.A:What do you want to do?B:I want to swim and play beach volleyball.A:When do you want to go?B:On next weekends.A:How do you to get there?B:By car.