
2.我向你保证在你生日时给你一份礼物.(guarantee to do sth)
3.昨天老师表扬我了,这让我感到欣喜若狂.(on top of the world)
6.我们应该尽力保持自然平衡.(keep balance)
7.你应该立刻向这个公司申请那个职位.(apply to sb for sth)
8.这场地震破坏了很多建筑物.(do damage to)
9.当他看到这些照片时,他就会想起他的外祖母.(think of)
10.最后但同样重要的是别忘了关灯.(last but not least))
16.我什么时候再来拜访你比较方便?(call on)

1.The moive contains too much violence, it's not fit for children
2.I guarantee to give you a present on your birthday.
3.The teacher praised me yesterday,which made me on top of the world.
4.you shouldn't hide the truth from your friend.
5.In spite of so many difficulties, he managed to pass the exam.
6.we should try our best to keep balance the nature
7:you should apply to the company for that position at once
8. This earthquick did damage to many constructions.
9.He would think of his grandmother when he saw these photos
10.The last but not least is not to forget to turn the light off.
11.It is not sensible for you to be anxious about this thing.
12.It is hard for me to choose a suitable present for my father.
13.This moive was so boring that I slept in the cinema.
14.This biscuit isn't soft enough for my grandmother to eat
15.It is not possible for me to work out this problem in two minutes.
16.when is it available for me to call on you ?
17.It cost me half an hour to wash the clothes.
18.The piano is so heavy that I can't move it.
19. I am certain that he is at home now.
20.I don't know who will attend this meeting.
第1个回答  2006-10-01
1. This film contains too many scenes of violence, it is no suitable for children. (Contain)
2. I assure you that when you give you a birthday gift. (Guarantee to do sth)
3. Yesterday, the teacher, I recognize that I am overjoyed. (On top of the world)
4. You should not hide the truth to your friends. (Hide. . . From)
5. Despite the difficulties, he successfully passed the final examination. (Manage)
6. We should try to maintain the natural balance. (Keep balance) 7. You should immediately apply for the post to the company. (Sb to apply for sth)
8. The earthquake destroyed many buildings. (To do damage)
9. When he saw the pictures, he would think of his maternal grandmother. (Think of)
10. Last but not least, do not forget the lights. (Last but not least))
11. You would be unwise to be too anxious for this error. (It) 12. For the father to me it is difficult to choose a suitable gift. (It)
13. Thus this film is so boring I fall asleep in the cinema. (So. . . That)
14. Such cookies soft enough that my maternal grandmother can not eat. (Enough)
15. I have come up with two minutes of this question is impossible. (It)
16. When I come to visit you more convenient? (On call)
17. Yesterday, the laundry and I spent a half hour. (It)
18. I moved this piano too fixed. (So. . . That)
19. I am sure that he is at home. (Certain)
20. I do not know who will be attending the conference. (Object Clause)