

别给我用翻译机。要觉得分数太少我可以追加。我是实在没办法要考试在希望大家帮忙的。 虽然我写不来,绝对看的懂。向一楼同志的那段绝对用翻译机的。。。

Hey,what a distinctive decoration! you maybe think you are in qing dynasty for it is totally follow the style of the qing dynasty's, but actually you are wrong.
Don't be shamed by your mistake, for it is arranged on purpose,i.e, in order to make guests have a good cultural trip in china.
if luckily, you will have chance to enjoy various chinese palace perfomance.
第1个回答  2010-02-04
Oh, very unique decorating it, is entirely modeled on the style of the Qing Dynasty and the last built. Do not understand, it is very likely to think that they came to China in the Qing Dynasty through time and space in it.

  Vision for their own mistakes Do not be embarrassed! Because such a decoration is deliberately store a better experience for passengers and the mapping out of China.

  Good luck if he came to see the right time you can do all kinds of Chinese court performances.
第2个回答  2010-02-05
The decoration is very unique and impressive, right?
The decoration style was designed to imitate the Qing dynasty’s style entirely. Those tourists who didn't understand that may mistakenly thought they had been to Qing dynasty through time/space travelling.
So, don’t feel embarrassing for your mistakes, since the decorations was designed purposely by the owner to allow tourists better experiencing Chinese ancient culture.
If you are pretty lucky and coming at the right time, you might be able to see various Chinese palace performance.
第3个回答  2010-02-04
单就翻译的地道程度来说,个人倾向于支持——回答者: gjzcw2003 的翻译。还是比较口语化的。