英语中跟电相关的power 和energy 分别是什么


柯林斯字典上的解释 power 能量 能源 Power is energy, especially electricity, that is obtained in large quantities from a fuel source and used to operate lights, heating, and machinery. 可见 他们两个指电力时是可以互换的 如果说区别 个人觉得 power 尤其指用来驱动电力设施的,笼统宽泛的 "电力",energy 更侧重具体的 从材料中获得的 “能源 ”或 “能量 ”
比如 能源危机 并不是电力危机 所以用 energy crisis; 能耗,能效 指具体的能量的消耗 :energy efficiency
如果是核能 可以指用于发电的 电力 也可以指核聚变产生的能量 所以 nuclear power 和nuclear energy 都有使用
第1个回答  2019-08-12
In physics, energy is defined as the amount of work that can be performed by force, whereas power is defined as the rate at which work is performed. The unit of energy is Joule = Newton*Meter or Joule = Watt*Time, while the unit of power is Watt = Joule/Time.
For example, the power of my air conditioner is 1 kW, and the electric bill is 1 kWh for 1 hour.