

!Case 1:
a women's handbag was stolen, there are mobile phones, bank cards, wallet and so on. 20 minutes later, she opened the husband's phone, told his stolen things. Her husband exclaimed: \Thieves use a stolen phone by sending text messages to \
Do not expose your mobile phone address book and contacts in the relationship, Jiyong \All by name, the fewer words the more secure.
Case 2:
Zijia You have three friends accidentally Lianren Dai car fell 150 meters deep in the valley, after three nights trapped on the 4th, was rescued. Meanwhile, they tried many times to phone out for help. Helpless one was hurt, and a no electricity, and a signal is not received. They also moved many times to find a better location to send and receive signals, but none succeeded. If these three ordinary people who know 112 lines, emergency times, to know how to use it only charge the phone signal is allocated to 112 lines, I believe that they can be quickly rescued.
Reminder: 112 common line throughout the country, if not after the phone is open to receive the signal, even very little power, any brand of mobile phone anywhere Jieke dial. After the allocation of 112, will enter the voice immediately as follows: This is the mobile phone 112 emergency rescue line, if you want to report, please dial 0, we will transfer your call the police; If you need assistance,air 180, please call 9 We will transfer you fire. Chinese had finished, will be in English to repeat. At this point just dial 0 or 9, some people will answer. To the circumstances in three persons, or mountain lost or suffered other difficulties, should be assigned to 9, will receive timely assistance.
Case 3:
have students like to eat instant cup noodles, and later, the students went to the hospital because of illness, doctors found that his stomach with a layer of wax! Original, cup noodle containers includes an edible wax! You next time to eat cup noodles Feel Beibi not feel slippery, that it wants to. The food cup long face, will cause our liver can not break down that food wax. Finally, the students had to seek surgery to remove the layer of wax, tragic death.
those days, when the side out as far as possible, another bubble with a bowl to eat, do not use the bowl of noodles, cup noodles, a container attached to the direct consumption of red water. Even a business trip, but also bring a big mug of instant noodles to use. To their bodies, not to get lazy ah!
Case 4:
Susie fell, Shirley fall to see Susie immediately asked Susie, \She saw Susie can not answer these three questions, on the phone and immediately called 120 for help. Although blood pressure was normal Susie, it seems like there is no stroke. However, since Shirley has \
reminder: Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify, often because the person next to stroke patients without timely discovery, delayed treatment of patients with brain damage Er Shi. The three patients we ask the question is: asked patients show a smile; asked patients both hands lifted up; asked patients to say a simple thing. If the patient can not do these three people around you should immediately called 120 ambulance calls, and told the ambulance attendant staff this is a symptom of stroke. If we can transfer and apply such a broad inquiry method, testing, stroke symptoms, the diagnosis and treatment of stroke patients quickly as possible to avoid brain damage patients.
Case 5
CCB quoted a comrade: Today through a front door, in front of the ATM. One old man, has been looked at me and walked beside him, suddenly stopped me, he said he did not read, get a bank card to me to help him in the front door of the automated teller machine. I replied I can not help you get, call security to help you. The results, he replied no, keep looking the other passers-by to help him withdraw money. Friends remember ATM, but there are cameras --- yeah. Robbery, or if he said I stole his ATM card, or even his card is stolen, to help him pick up the money left in the ATM video, definitely makes you 100 Mo debate! I will warn! Is because my colleagues have been fooled, we are still lawsuits. This is obviously a fraud syndicate looking for a substitute! Immediately came to ~ ~ ~ scam really endless, believe it will enter the trap, I am really very hard to detect! To remind our friends abroad more careful!
Case 6: Shaoyaoju an owner, a sudden power failure at home, outside the window to see people at home have electricity, they go see their own electric meter box, opened the door was a knife touching the knife burglary .. .. to remind you that if a sudden power outage at home, do not rush to open the door view, there are multiple observations for a cat outside the movement, not cat's eye also Gezhao Men listening for some time, no abnormal ring and then open the door.

case 7: Members fellow female attention! This is the latest scam fellow female compatriots Please note that men call their friends, please note: a new out of the situation, paying particular attention to a female friend friends: a young lady working the way home from work to see a child crying, very poor , then asked the children how the past. children Jiugen that Miss said: \. and then she went to the simple-minded, and their children. Most people are sympathetic, and then taken to the so-called children's home after she rang the bell, bell like a high-voltage, to lose consciousness. wake up was stripped of light in an empty house, nothing around, and she even saw the prisoners no longer Sha Yangzi. So now people are used to commit crimes compassion ah, if the experience like this, and Do not take him to, to bring him to the police station took to the well, wandered into the police station some children go wrong,Bored in Shenkan, please let all the women around them, for the general safety of women, after reading the trouble to forward it to everyone .. ..

Case 8: This encounter begging new tactics, we pay attention to watch the rest at home ~ Today, some people rang the bell, open the door and saw a 50-to-year-old woman, took the hands of 2 package candy I thought it was a neighbor to sub-candy, and the results to speak and hear a not a local, what she said to us that two packets of sugar, and plans a festive, want to change some money to her, said a big behind heap do not know what, I have not,nike air max, feel that is wrong and immediately closed scared, dizzy! This year, there are so many to ask for money to ...

Case 9: Please note that the! ATM withdrawals to be sure to take extra care! ! ! Last night in the Golden mile ICBC ATM withdrawals, the back to the old woman, asked if I could withdraw money, cash machines have also said that what may be bad key, I do not know when next to a little girl, always wanted to squeeze me, I did not care,Tory Burch reva flats, child naughty Well, but that she should hand over the money I put towards the preparation for my money, I feel wrong, and immediately pushed her to the side, etc. the money taken out. Then I thought for a moment, they both set up a set for me: the old women are in charge and I Xialiao to attract my attention, the little girl while I was not looking, stole my money! If I did not prepare for it, maybe the money was taken away, so I went into set up: (1: I immediately pursued the girl, to recover my money, but who would believe a little girl I grab an adult's money? more alarming is that the old woman standing behind me, I will get light all the money card, because my ATM card still inside; 2: I do not immediately chase the little girl , so get the card catching, then the girl disappears, the money has gone ah: (they are really \> Case 10: My parents are retired at home. yesterday morning to a strange middle-aged man, said he did not open motorcycle oil, and gas stations too far, too much motorcycle they could not move, so would like to ask my parents to a Coke bottle to buy petrol, Gang Kaikou say it is impossible to buy an empty bottle out of 2,3 per well. I had a mother Take the empty bottle to him, not to mention his pocket money really, but is a few hundred dollar bills, but also let my parents give change. My mother was a sudden and devastating awareness that alternative, but is just a empty bottle. He bent down and buy a 100 dollar broken open, but still goes on hundred dollar bills. Fortunately, I mother has not yet Longzhong, nor is it the sort of penny people. female friends must be carefully read, pay attention to self-security ah, now a social evil .... a friend sent me a report, is transferred to you take a look , away from home, be careful, be careful million ...
Case 11: Another version is in Shanghai. A few years ago a woman notified police of her cousin in Shanghai when missing after shopping, but turned and lost, Within five years a friend and saw this cousin begging in the streets of Bangkok, Thailand. XXX is that she somehow did the hands and feet, body was tied to a lamppost next to the chains.

Case 12: Someone just told I, his friend heard a crying baby on the door, but was already very late and she thought it was strange, so she called the JC. JC told her: \The lady said that it sounded like a baby had crawled near a window, and she was worried that it would crawl to the street and get run over. JC told her: We have sent people to in any case can not open the door. Police think it is a serial killer, using a baby cry recorder, inducing women to think that someone dropped off a baby, they go look. have not verified it, but the police have received many calls by women saying that they at home alone at night, heard baby cries outside the door, please pass this on and DO NOT open the door for a crying baby.

be taken seriously in this text! there are so outrageous! care for the wonderful !!! If you are a good friend, after reading as much as possible please forward it out to see more friends, more friends to benefit, so that more friends from danger from harm.
第1个回答  2010-07-26
第2个回答  2010-07-26
第2个回答  2010-07-26