


1 oz. Absolut Peppar瑞典胡椒味伏特加
1 oz. Yellow Chartreuse黄查特酒
Stir with ice and strain into shot glass.






Liquid cocaine (6)
Pour ingredients into large shot glass.Great shot for birthdays
1 oz. 151 Proof Rum 151金兰姆
1 oz. Gold schlager这两种酒我也不明白是什么,还望知者告之。
1 oz. jagermeister ?

Liquid cocaine 8 ball
Mix it and wait for the effects. Its called a liquid cocaine. Because it's expensive and once you try it your hooked.
1 Southern Comfort南方安逸
1 white rum
1 Amaretto Di Saronno意大利苦杏酒
pineapple juice
dash grenadine 红石榴汁

Liquid cocaine #5
Pour all ingredients into a shaker, shake and strain.
1/4 oz. vodka
1/4 oz. Amaretto Di Saronno意大利苦杏酒
1/4 oz. Southern Comfort
1/4 oz. Cointreau君度橙酒
3/4 oz. pineapple juice
1 Splash 7-UP 七喜

Liquid Cocaine
Place in shaker and slam down on bar 3 times then serve over crushed ice.
2 parts vodka
2 parts white wine 白葡萄酒
top up Red Bull

Liquid cocaine #1
Combine 4 alchohols and pineapple juice in coctail mixer with ice. Shake well. Strain into shot glass. Enjoy. It'll get you flyin'!

1/4 shot grand marnier 此酒请知者告之
1/4 shot Southern Comfort
1/4 shot Absolut Vodka
1/4 shot Amaretto Di Saronno
1 Splash pineapple juice

Liquid cocaine (3)
Mix all four of these liquors into a shot glass, keeping the quantities of each as equal as possible. Best if the liquor is chilled before-hand or all four liquors are mixed together and shaken in a glass of ice, then strained into a shot glass. (To be free of ice) This shot hits hard, but it takes about 10 minutes on an empty stomach to feel it. (It's also not the most pallatable shot in the world, but it's definitely an experience)
0.25 Part white rum
0.25 Part jagermeister 请知者告之
0.25 Part Root Beer Schnapps 如按字面译则为以黄樟油、冬青油为香料的无醇饮料,但Schnapps又译作荷兰杜松子酒或泛指烈酒。有些矛盾,请大家参详。
0.25 Part peppermint schnapps荷产薄荷酒

Fire Bomb (燃烧弹)

Mix and serve in a shot glass. (混合后盛载于子弹杯中(也即烈酒杯或试管))

1 part vodka 一份伏特加

1 part tequila 一份特其拉

1 part Jack Daniels一份杰克丹尼尔

dash of tabasco sauce (少量的塔巴斯科辣椒酱)


Horny Bull (公牛角)

Layer in a shot glass.

1 part vodka 伏特加

1 part tequila 特其拉

1 part white rum 白兰姆

Thin blue line (蓝丝线)

Pour in the triple sec then the vodka on top. Then with a straw, add the blue curacao to create a thin blue line between the two layers!


1 part vodka 伏特加

1 part triple sec 白橙皮酒

5 drops blue curacao 5滴蓝香橙

Grandpa is Alive (长寿阿爷)

Layer in this way:

1) Kahlua卡鲁瓦咖啡利口酒

2) Amaretto阿玛托苦杏酒

3) Vodka伏特加

i.e. 1) on bottom (1沉底)

1 part vodka 伏特加酒

1 part kahlua 卡鲁瓦

1 part Amaretto Di Saronno阿玛托(意大利苦杏酒)

Horny Bull (牛角)

Layer in a shot glass.

1 part vodka 伏特加酒

1 part tequila 特其拉

1 part white rum 白兰姆

Cowboy (牛仔)

Fill a shot glass with 2 thirds butterscotch schnapps. Then carefully layer the irish cream on top to fill the glass.
1 part Baileys? irish cream 爱尔兰奶酒

2 parts butterscotch schnapps (荷产杜松子酒)

Woo Woo Shooter (喔喔......!子弹)

Pour all ingredients into a highball glass over ice cubes, stir, and serve.


1 1/2 parts vodka 伏特加酒

1 1/2 parts peach schnapps (荷产桃味杜松子酒)

4 parts cranberry juice (酸果蔓汁)

3 ice cubes (冰块)

Great White Shark (大白鲨)

Mix all ingredients in shaker with ice and strain into a shot glass.


1 part tequila 特其拉

4 ice cubes 冰块

dash of tabasco sauce (少量的塔巴斯科辣椒酱)

Red White and Blue (红白蓝)

Layer in this way:

1) Grenadine石榴汁

2) Peach schnapps(荷产桃味杜松子酒)

3) Blue curacao蓝香橙

i.e. 1) on bottom (1 石榴汁在底)

1 part peach schnapps 一份桃酒

1 part blue curacao 一份蓝香橙

1 part grenadine一份石榴汁


0.333 oz. kahlua卡鲁瓦咖啡酒

0.333 oz. triple sec 白橙皮酒

0.333 oz. sambuca 萨姆布卡(意大利茴香酒)

true cum chaser真诚猎手

In a cold shot glass(put it frezzer for a while, pour Vanilla Schnapps 1/3 of the way up the glass layer the same with Irish cream then layer the Cream on top off this. down in one 香草酒先入,乳酒后入,最上加入奶油适量,奶油慢慢下沉与之融为一体。

1 part Baileys irish cream一份爱尔兰乳酒

1 part vanilla schnapps一份 香草香甜酒

top up cream 加满奶油

Absinth makes the tart grow fonder 真实生活(注:此配方中作法的解释可能有误,因而仅供大家参考与讨论)

Soak your sugar cubes in some Absinth for a second or two and place individually on a teaspoon (one spoon per person). Pour a measure of Absinth into your glass and top with a couple of drops of melon liqueur. Light the sugar cubes, as soon as it begins to caramelise stir it into the drink. Enjoy - but not too many. 方糖入若艾酒浸渍片刻,搅化后入杯,滴入蜜瓜酒。

1 part Absinthe一份苦艾酒

2 drops Midori melon liqueur 蜜瓜酒

1 sugar cube 方糖一颗

Fire in the hole 喷火筒

Using a shot glass. pour grenadine, then kahlua, then vodka, layer by layer. flame the drink. serve. drink using a straw 子弹杯按石榴汁、卡鲁瓦咖啡利口酒、伏特加的顺序入,点火服务,用吸管饮用。

1 part vodka 一份伏特加

1 part kahlua 一份卡鲁瓦咖啡酒

1 part grenadine 石榴汁

Amaretto sours品味生活

Mix amaretto and sour mix. Pour into shot glasses., Tastes like candy! Submitted by Pdrtheman via America Online 混合二者入子弹杯,感觉上像糖果一般的味道。

1 part Amaretto Di Saronno阿玛托杏仁利口酒

1 part sour mix 一份酸性混合物

Aggressive blowjob突然袭击

Mix 'em up and chug 'em down.

0.75 shot cola七分半可乐

0.25 shot Grain Alcohol 两分半食用酒精(个人认为也可以用非常烈性的基酒如151兰姆之类)

Jelly bean (shooter) 饴糖

Layer and Shoot! 分层

0.5 oz. sambuca 萨姆布卡茴香酒

0.5 oz. tequila 特其拉

1 Splash grenadine一点石榴汁 (想来应该是最后滴入增其观赏性)

Bazooka bubble gum 火箭筒泡泡糖

Mix all ingredients and pour into shotglasses. 混合后入杯

1/2 oz. Southern Comfort南方安逸

1/2 oz. banana liqueur 香蕉利口酒

1/2 oz. cream 奶油

1/2 oz. grenadine 石榴汁

Three stages of friendship 友谊三步曲

Mix all three in a shot glass and shoot the damn thing混合入杯.

1/3 oz. Jack Daniels杰克丹尼尔

1/3 oz. tequila 特其拉

1/3 oz. 151 Proof Rum 151金兰姆

Transparent 水木年华

mix all and drink it...混合入杯

1 part sambuca 一份萨姆布卡茴香酒

1 part vodka一份 伏特加

1 part triple sec一份白橙皮酒

Mexican 墨西哥

Pour into shot glass floating the Vodka on top of the Sloe Gin and the Melon Liqueur on top of the Vodka伏特加酒漂其上

1/2 oz. sloe gin 野莓金

1/2 oz. Melon Liqueur蜜瓜利口酒

1/2 oz. vodka 伏特加

Green Lizard 绿蜥蜴

Shake well with cracked ice. Strain into shot glass. 摇荡后入杯

1 oz. green chartreuse 绿查特(法国修道院僧侣配制的黄绿色甜酒)

1/2 oz. white rum 白兰姆

Test Tube Baby 试管婴儿

Pour in kahlua and then carefully pour over back of teaspoon the irish cream into the kahlua so giving the effect of an embryo floating in kahlua. 将咖啡酒先入,利用吧匙前面将乳酒慢慢注入,其状似胚胎在子宫中漂浮,故有此名。

1 part Baileys irish cream爱尔兰乳酒

1 part kahlua 卡鲁瓦咖啡利口酒

Squashed Frog 南瓜青蛙(下面的作法上解释可能不会太准确,请大家参考指正)

Fill the shot glass 3/4 full with Advocaat then add the Creme de Menthe and then the Grenadine, so that the shot glass in full.

Down the drink in one you will find it is surprsingly sweet.

If you look at the shot before you drink, it looks similar to what a frog would look like after it has been squashed, not that i have ever done it. 荷产蛋酒先入,再加薄荷酒,最后加入石榴汁,其色初时像青蛙之绿,后看其色则变为南瓜之色。

3 parts advocaat 荷兰产蛋酒

1 part Crème de Menthe (green) 绿薄荷酒

1 part grenadine 石榴汁

Rats Brain 异想

Pour 1 measure of Irish Cream into a slammer glass.

Slowly pour in the blackcurrant cordial until the mixture starts to congeal. Then down in one 1先入杯,慢慢 入2 ,任其慢慢混合一起。

1 teaspoon Baileys irish cream爱尔兰乳酒一茶匙(约1/4盎司)

1/2 part blackcurrant cordial 黑醋栗酒

Melon ball (shooter) 瓜球

Layer and Shoot!

0.333 oz. vodka 伏特加

0.333 oz. Midori? melon liqueur蜜瓜酒

0.333 oz. pineapple juice 凤梨汁

Black samurai 黑武士

Add the one oz. of Sake to a shot glass, followed by the 1/2 oz. of Soy Sauce...Let settle for 30sec...1先而2后,

1 oz. Sake 日本米酒

1/2 oz. Soy Sauce 这里的译名一为酱油一为大豆酱,我也不能确切告诉大家

Orgasm (6) 兴奋

No stir. Drink. 不用调和,一饮而尽

1 part tequila 一份特其拉

1 part Baileys? irish cream一份爱尔兰乳酒

Purple hooters 紫色汽笛

Mix and pour into double shot glass., Submitted by HeinzT via America Online 用大些容量的杯具

3/4 shot vodka 伏特加

1/2 shot Chambord? raspberry liqueur尚博覆盆子利口酒(法产餐后甜酒 ,由覆盆子、草药、蜂蜜等制成。特性:红色酒质,清香的果香味。酒精含量:16.5% (33 proof) 此解释由酒红冰蓝及SAM二们兄台有情提供,再次感谢)

Splash sour mix 一点酸性混合物

dash triple sec 少量(约一毫升)白橙皮酒

Chocolate Coated Cherry 樱桃巧克力

Shake well with ice. Strain into a shot glass. Put a drop of Grenadine in the centre. 混合入杯后将石榴汁滴在中间

1/2 oz. kahlua 卡鲁瓦咖啡利口酒

1/2 oz. Amaretto Di Saronno阿玛托茴香酒

1/2 oz. Crème de Cacao (white) 白可可酒

1 drop grenadine 一滴红石榴汁

Prairie Fire 星火燎原

Fill shot glass with Tequila. Add a dash of Tabasco Sauce

1 1/2 oz. tequila 先入特其拉,再加入少量塔巴斯科辣沙司

dash of tabasco sauce 少量(约一毫升)塔巴斯科辣沙司


Shake well with cracked ice. Strain into shot glass.混合入杯

1/2 oz. vodka 伏特加

1/2 oz. cranberry juice酸果蔓果汁

1/2 oz. sweet and sour 酸甜混合物

1/2 tablespoon banana liqueur 半茶匙香蕉利口酒

dash of grenadine 少量(一毫升)石榴汁

Pink Lemonade (Shooter) 粉色柠檬

Shake well with cracked ice. Strain into shot glass.混合入杯

1 oz. vodka伏特加

1/2 oz. cranberry juice酸果蔓果汁

1/2 oz. sweet and sour 酸甜混合物

Fuzzy Mother 妈妈的劝慰

WARNING: USE EXTREME CAUTION! Pour Tequila into 2 oz. shot glass. Top with 151 proof Rum. Ignite Rum. Allow to cool before drinking.最后喝时小心:特其拉先入,金色兰姆后入,点火服务,应在其熄灭后再喝。

1 1/2 oz. gold tequila 金色特其拉

golden rum 金色兰姆(如151金兰姆)

Hot Lips 红唇

Measure out 100mL of cranberry juice then add two cap fulls of peppermint schnapps and 2 shot glasses of vodka (80 proof is best)into a shaker. Shake well and pour into shot glasses...enjoy 摇荡后入杯

1 part vodka伏特加

1 part peppermint schnapps 薄荷酒

1 part cranberry juice 酸果蔓果汁

Shakedown 镇静

In a shotglass gently layer:

grenadine, then galliano, then absinthe.

Be slightly more generous with the grenadine and galliano. 分层,先石榴汁再加利安奴再苦艾酒,可适当增大石榴汁及加利安奴的份量。

1/3 Absinthe 苦艾酒

1/3 galliano 加利安奴

1/3 grenadine 石榴汁


First add pineapple juice and then add the tequila. the vodka is optional but only go for it if you can hold your drink (seriously) 先入凤梨汁再加入特其拉,伏特加酒是可选的,依你自己的口味而定

2 parts tequila 特其拉

1 part vodka 伏特加

5 drops pineapple juice五滴凤梨汁

pink pussy delight 快乐粉红猫

fill shaker 3/4 ice, then 1/2 full bacardi, 2 count amaretto and sour, then fill to top with cran, shake and shoot. easy and quick for ladies who are in need of enebriation摇荡入杯

1/2 151 Proof Rum 151金兰姆

1 part Amaretto Di Saronno一份阿玛托茴香酒

2 parts cranberry juice 一份酸果蔓果汁

1 part sour mix 一份酸性混合物

Nutty Irishman (shot) 爱尔兰坚果

Layer Bailey's on top of Frangelico in shot glass. 混合入杯

1/2 oz. hazelnut liqueur 榛实利口酒

1/2 oz. Baileys irish cream 爱尔兰乳酒

Traffic Light 红绿灯

Start by pouring in one third of shooter glass of midori using a teaspoon.蜜瓜酒用吧匙背面注入

Then same with the Galliano, then finally the Grenadine再入加利安奴及石榴汁.

Key to success is to pour the layers as slowly as possible.

Learned this one in 'The Catch' bar/restaurant in St. Andrews, Scotland

1 part galliano 加利安奴

1 part Midori? melon liqueur一份米道丽蜜瓜酒

1 part grenadine一份石榴汁
第1个回答  2006-12-08
