

Dear [同学的名字],
I hope this letter finds you well. I would like to extend an invitation for you to come and visit my hometown. I think it would be a great opportunity for you to explore a new place and experience the local culture.
My hometown is a small town located in the countryside. There are many picturesque spots, such as mountains, lakes, and ancient temples, that I would love to show you. Also, I would like you to taste some local specialty dishes, which are delicious and unique.
We can spend a few days together, exploring the town and having fun. Maybe we can have a picnic by the lake or go on a hike to the mountain. I think it will be a great chance for us to catch up on the latest news, share our experiences, and strengthen our friendship.
I hope you can accept my invitation and come to visit me soon. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,
第1个回答  2022-07-04
From Joozone's Directions:This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a letter according to the information given in Chinese below. Remember to write the letter on the Translation/Composition Sheet.
十一期间(National Holiday),你的同学晓璐邀请你到他家乡做客.你受到了他们一家人的热情款待,并且参观了很多漂亮的名胜古迹.请写一封感谢信给你的同学,主要包括如下内容:
Dear Xiaolu,
I must write and thank for your having invited me to your home during this National Holiday.I am very grateful for the hospitality you and your family showed to me.Your hometown leaves a deep impression on me.I appreciated very much your efforts in making my stay as pleasant as possible.
Thanks again for everything you and your family have done for me! Please come to my home if you have time.
Your sincerely,
Xiao Dong
第2个回答  2023-06-12
Dear [Name],
I hope this letter finds you well. I'm writing to invite you to come to my hometown for a visit. I think it would be a great opportunity for you to explore a new place and experience different customs and traditions.
My hometown is located in [City/Province], which is known for its rich history and beautiful scenery. We have ancient temples, modern landmarks, and delicious local cuisine that I'm sure you'll enjoy.
During your visit, I would be happy to show you around my hometown and introduce you to my family and friends. We could visit local attractions, such as [Name of attraction(s)], go hiking in the nearby mountains, or try some of the local specialties at a traditional restaurant.
I think it would be a wonderful opportunity for us to spend time together and learn more about each other's background and culture. You are welcome to stay at my home during your trip, and I will do my best to make sure you have a comfortable and enjoyable stay.
Please let me know if you're interested in accepting my invitation. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon and hopefully welcoming you to my hometown.
[Your Name]