

史莱克:绿色的怪物,丑陋外表下却有着善良的心。 他身边还有着不少的“童话故事”里的朋友。 不过,为防止吓着别人,他生活在沼泽地的小屋里,却也过得自在自乐。 而且,勇敢无畏的绿怪最终获得天作良缘,让他救出了火龙看守的古堡里的美丽公主,英雄最终也抱得“美人”归。 不过,在续集里他的粗鲁加上一点儿粗俗,却吓坏了岳父岳母和众亲友。 还好最终凭借深藏心中的勇气和智慧重新把握了自己的终身幸福。 眼下,更是滑稽地戴上皇冠,被迫一统江山。 不过,始终向往自由的他还是最终如愿以偿。 与爱人常相厮守于爱的小屋。

菲奥娜 :她原本是美得倾国倾城,能让鸟儿留恋、花儿羞得无颜见人的公主。 渴望白马王子反遇一个丑陋的怪物。 公主变绿怪的同时亦将此生完全与史莱克夫君相许。 怪物公主与怪物史莱克,从此情意绵绵,生活也滋润甜蜜。 虽经过了“拜见岳父”以及“横刀夺爱”的几番周折,但最终家中的王室父母还是接受了大绿怪女婿的事实。 并最终以“江山大任”相托。 当夫君远涉他乡之时,同样勇敢但更加智慧的公主自力更生,组建了强大的妇女护卫队,与前来挑事的叛军展开激战,并取得不小的胜利。 最终,亦是以快乐收场,继续与绿怪丈夫过着幸福的“怪物”生活。

靴子猫:虽然个子娇小,但英俊有余,头戴帽、脚穿靴、腰扎皮带、配宝剑。 并有着侠客佐罗一样能把玩几招的好剑法。 他故作绅士打扮,也有几分勇敢,不过当遇到强敌时,却并非拔剑猛冲,而是双手紧握大黑帽大眼圆睁、泪花闪闪,一副楚楚可怜的模样,以博得对方的同情。 不过,当成为绿怪与贫嘴驴的真正好友后却经常也显示一下自己的智慧和胆识。

贫嘴驴:从小生长在村庄,生活休闲自得,思想十分开放,随着开放的大脑,嘴也变得开放起来,其饶舌功力不亚于痞子阿姆,但魅力无法挡,竟获得了超越种族的爱情…… 懦弱是他的本性,像我们平凡人一样膜拜英雄,哪怕它是只怪物。 驴子有一绝招,在生命危急关头,能甜言蜜语平静应付,有着将敌人化情人的超能力。 在史莱克抱得美人公主而归时,驴子唐基也顺便抱美人小火龙而回。 绿怪朋友几番遇难之时,都有贫嘴驴在一旁周旋,并四处求救。 如今,功成名就的驴子已然一副“大将”风范,更是时刻不离挚友左右。 不过,其“话痨”的毛病依然经常令史莱克不爽。

白马王子:他虽有点木讷却也英俊潇洒,骑着一匹好马,身手也算凑合。 本来该成为菲奥娜公主的真正意义上的白马王子,可惜却被幸运的史莱克抢了先。 接着回国后的第二次美人争夺战依然不敌史莱克。 从此怀恨在心。 如今,趁老国王年老体衰、新国王“不懂四六”之际,一心想篡位夺权,为自己失意的感情上找到权利的平衡。 但事实却并非那么简单,无论他纠集多少强悍的邪恶势力,却始终受到来自“童话世界”力量的阻击。 当面对老情敌史莱克时更是一败涂地。

Shrek is a large, green, physically intimidating ogre. Although his background is something of a mystery, it is assumed that despite these traits, Shrek has always been an ogre of the non-hostile kind as he loves peace and solitude and lives in a swamp and is befriended by Donkey, an excitable, hyperactive donkey. In the first Shrek movie, during a conversation with Donkey, he laments that people "judge me before they even know me. That's why I'm better off alone," implying that he became a recluse after trying and failing to find acceptance among others. In Shrek the Third it is revealed Shrek has a father who tried to eat him as Shrek stated, "I should have seen it coming. He used to bathe me in barbecue sauce and put me to bed with an apple in my mouth.” It's possible that he could have been joking. In Far Far Away Idol, he sang "What I Like About You" by The Romantics with Fiona.
Shrek lives in an Ogre Swamp. The swamp, like any other swamp, is green and murky. The swamp contains small and big ponds of muddy water and also has geysers that squirt out mud. The swamp contains the living quarters of Shrek which consists of an outhouse and Shrek's house. The swamp is also a home to different kinds of species including the swamp slug that Shrek uses for his toothpaste. When he finds squatters where he lives, he agrees to the rescue of Princess Fiona to evict all the squatters. However, during the course of the mission, Shrek falls deeply in love with Fiona.

Donkey is talkative, enjoys singing, idle chatter, which proves rather annoying to those around him. He also has a sweet tooth, and enjoys such foods as cake, waffles, Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Crackers, parfait and "upside-down coconut soufflé with mango chutney sauce." In a scene about Merlin's bonfire, Donkey's sweet tooth gets the best of him, for he sees only a fudge torte in the enchanted smoke.
Some of Donkey's foibles include acrophobia, colorblindness, hypochondria and cowardice. These, coupled with his impatience and short attention span, prove trying in emergencies. Furthermore, he is often naive and tactless, and even a bit dim (as in the third film, wherein he has children but doesn't understand how children are conceived).

Princess Fiona
Princess Fiona is initially portrayed as the archetypal princess from fairy tales, speaking formally in matters of courtship and presenting high expectations of how she is to be rescued, who is to rescue her, and so forth. Later, Princess Fiona's true self emerges, as she's really a very down-to-earth and independent woman who is a match for Shrek at burping and farting, is a loyal friend, and unlike princesses of fairy tales, an expert in hand-to-hand combat with knowledge of chinese martial arts. She also has very bad manners (she burps and farts), since she is an ogre.
When asked if Princess Fiona resembled her, Cameron Diaz remarked how she thought Fiona looked more like her sister than her.[citation needed] One report indicates Oprah Winfrey was the model for Princess Fiona.
Fiona, along with other characters from the series, has a MySpace page that was created to promote Shrek the Third. According to the page, she is 22 years old, which is 86 years younger than her husband Shrek (age 108).One theory for this may be that Fiona started out as a human and therefore ages normally, while Shrek, being an ogre from the start, ages differently.

