


Let all of us being Volunteer!
Oct.5 is International Volunteer's Day, and it's the same holiday for the all the volunteers in this world. In the youthful.energetic and dreaming day, Chinese Youth Volunteer Committee proposing that: Let more youthes being volunteer! Any friends who have attended the volunteering work and who have same spiritual pursuit with us,would be highly appreciated; and to any friends who want to join us volunteers' group, we always warmly wlcoming you;and to anyone need help, we sadi to you: Believe it! There are many unselfish & sincere volunteers aside you!
In this world, everyone have equal chance to get on the stage, and everyone can sincerely expressing their own kind heart and wisdom, our nation's traiditional good virtues get its perfect inheritance.The thing which should be stimulated and not forgotten by us is: We are inherit people of this good virtue. Only the people who has been filled up by love can give love to others, and who really understand love can love others throuoghly.
Voluntarity is a kind of capability. Only those who skillfully arranged their our lives can have time and energy to help others.
Voluntarity is a kind of wisdom. Only those who have profound understanding of the living society can know who need help emergently and know how to help others.
Voluntarity is a kind of good virtues,Only those who from their inner heart take "Contribution.Philanthropy.Helping each other and Progressing " as their life belief can show out their outstanding noblity and dignity in their actions.


Volunteers are happy people for their heart full of love; Volunteers are joyful people for their inner heart are energetic through uneven experiences; Volunteers are simple people for their inner theart turned more powerful through constant and arduous struggles.
Being a volunteer! Let us move from today!
第1个回答  2006-12-10
Allow us wholly become wish person
12The moon was the international wish person day 5 days ,It is common holiday of whole world wish person girl friend's 。Is living such one imbue with youth 、Passion and ideal holiday liner ,The Chinese young people wish person society sponsors :Allow even more youth become wish person 。Join wish serving as to those in company with us 、There are together the girls friend that the essence was pursue with us ,We express sublime tribute ;As to those earnest wish accede to girls friend up the wish person troops ,We express the warmheartedness welcome to them ;People who need to assist as to those ,We say to them :Please believe in ,Is living you possess the remuneration noting take into account nearby ,Wish person who sincerely presrnts with all repect !
Be living in this world ,Every one possess the equal opportunity to mount the arena ,Every one may sincerely show the love mind together with intelligence of self ,Traditional moral excellence of our nationality obtain the consummate continuation here 。Need to remind the most most us to cause us can not escape one's memory is :We are this moral excellence inheritance persons from start to finish 。
Merely is fond of that a talented person who imbue with can be fond of ,Merely being living genuinely comprehends man who is fond of ,Can sufficiently wholeheartedly love the other 。
The wish is one kind of capability ――Merely those the life of self man who fixs up shipshapely ,Can sufficiently there be time and the energy assists other people 。
The wish is one kind of intelligence ――Merely those pairs social life possess profoundly the person who comprehends man ,Realize that what man needs help most ,Realize how to assist the other 。
The wish is one kind of moral excellence ――Merely those through at heart “Presrnt with all repect 、Fraternal love 、Help each other 、Progress ”As life faith man ,What can sufficiently be living in their action displays to be out of the ordinary nobly together with honor 。
The person doing of one's own free will is happy ,For they in the mind adequate love ;The person doing of one's own free will is merry ,For their intermost imbue with the passion as a result of the not common experience ;The person doing of one's own free will is unadulterated ,For their intermost as a result of the experience hardships struggles changes into forcefully 。
Be a wish person ,Allow we through today starts 。
第2个回答  2006-12-10
I helping you in the evening.Goodby!
第3个回答  2006-12-10
u r so kidding!