

hare美 [her]英 [heə(r)]v.飞跑;疾走n.野兔;例句:

1.Once upon a time a tortoise and a hare had an argument about who was faster. They decided to settle the argument with a race.从前,有只乌龟和兔子争论谁跑得快,于是它们决定以赛跑解决这一争论。

2.Guess how much I love you Little Nutbrown Hare, who was going to bed, held on tight to Big Nutbrown Hare's very long ears.小栗色兔子该上床睡觉了,可是他紧紧地抓住大栗色兔子的长耳朵不放。

3.He thought for a while, and then challenged the hare to have another race, but on a slightly different route.他想了一会儿,然后单挑兔子再来一场比赛,但是是在另一条稍许不同的路线上。

4.'It wasn't very civil of you to sit down without being invited, ' said the March Hare.“你没受到邀请就坐下来,也是不太礼貌的。”三月兔回敬她。

5.There was a reason why the slow turtle overtook the hare in the race, you know.那不慌忙的乌龟最终在赛跑中胜过了兔子还是有原故的。
