暑假中,学校准备举办2009年英语夏令营。 英语作文


开营时间 楠溪江
1. 英语单词竞赛(English word compeyition)
2. 游览楠溪江 (a trip Nanxi River)
活动安排 3. 走进乡村献爱心 (volunteering in the country)
4. 与外籍教室联欢晚会 (an evening party)

注意:1. 词数80左右,口头已经给出,不计入总分。
2. 短文须包括左右内容要点,不要逐字翻译,可适当发挥,使短文连贯、通顺;文中不得出现真实的人名 校名

Dear Lucy,
Thanks for your last letter.How interesting your vacation plan is ! Let me tell you what I'm going to do this summer holiday ````

快。。 如果在今天晚上给 马上给50
开营时间 2009年7月11日——7月18日

营地 楠溪江
1. 英语单词竞赛(English word compeyition)
2. 游览楠溪江 (a trip Nanxi River)
活动安排 3. 走进乡村献爱心 (volunteering in the country)
4. 与外籍教室联欢晚会 (an evening party)

My summer holiday is coming soon. My family are going to Beijing, the capital of China. There are many places of interest. For example, the Great Wall is one of the most famous places in the world. And we are going to visit other famous places, like the Palace Museum, the Summer Palace and so on. Now I am going over my English and study English harder and harder. I hope I can travel all over the world. I think my dream will come true some day in the future.
第1个回答  2010-06-25
English camp, the english camp this summer camp, arrangements timetable in table 7 : 30 - seven : get up at 8 : 50, 20 8 : breakfast : twenty eight thirty to the english journal : to class eight thirty nine : : 15 the oral communication 9 : 25 : in 10 second section 10 to 20 hearing improved : 11 : 05 a.m. on the third section 11 of 15 ielts read 12: 00 - : : the fourth section 12 : ielts writing - 12 : lunch at 12: 30 : 30 - 13 : lunch break a fifty - fifty : 13 14 : 00 class
第2个回答  2010-06-22