I have never seen_film before.

A.such good a B.so good a
C.a such good D.a so good

B 看下面用法即可
1当so作副词,修饰形容词或副词时,表示程度,意为"这么","那么".如:Don' t be so silly.别那么傻.He ran so fast.他跑得那么快.
2.如果so后无形容词,则so不能与名词连用.如:I' ve never seen so tall a child(=such a tall child).我从未见过个儿那么高的小孩.切不可以说"He is so a child." 但是,so little,so much可与不可数名词连用,so few,so many可与复数名词连用.如:Tom ate so much food a meal.汤姆一餐吃了那么多的食物.There' re so few people in the hall.大厅里的人很少.
3.So…that 意为"如此……以至于……",是一个常见句型,也是中考常考的句型.如:Jane' s leg was so painful that she couldn' t move at all.简的腿那么疼,以至于根本动不了.该句型还可以转换成"So + adj.+ a/an+名词"结构.如:Mike is so clever a boy that all like him.麦克这么聪明,大家都喜欢他.so that意为"以便","为的是",引导目的状语从句(该目的状语通常用情态动词作谓语)如:They can help you to compare two different products so that you can buy the one you really like.他们能帮助你比较两种不同的产品,以便你能买到自己真正喜欢的.so that从句还可表示结果,意为"因此",如:His pen is missing,so that he hasn' t done his homework.他的笔不见了,因此他无法完成作业.
4.so与动词say,tell,think,believe,suppose等连用,可以替代一个意义完整的宾语从句.如:Is she a top student in her class Yes,I think so.她是她们班最好的学生吗 是的,我想是这样.so与动词do连用,意为"这样做",以避免重复前面的有关内容.而if so意为"如果是这样".如:He did so in order to help her.他这样做是为了帮助她.Are you a student If so(=If you are ),may I have your name,please 你是学生吗 如果是,请问你叫什么名字
5."So + be/其他助动词/情态动词 + 主语"是倒装结构,意为"同样","也".这一结构在中考试题中也经常出现.如:—I usually go to bed at night.—So do I.—我通常晚上睡觉.—我也是.
6.so作连词,表示结果,意为"所以","因此".如:—How do you like this shirt —It' s beautiful and it fits me well,so (that) I 1ike it very much.—你喜欢这件衬衣吗 —它既漂亮又很合身,因此我非常喜欢.
7."not so +adj./adv.(原级)+as"是一个常见的比较级句型,也是中考常考的句型,意思是"不如","不及".如:The man doesn' t work so hard as me.这个人工作不如我努力.
二,such的常见用法 1.such是限定词,常和名词连用,意为"如此的","这样的".如:She is such a kind woman.她是一个如此善良的女人.Grandpa often told us such funny stories.爷爷常给我们讲这么有趣的故事.Don't go out in such bad weather.天气这么糟,不要外出。
第1个回答  2018-04-26
I have never seen so good a film before.
I have never seen such a good film before.
so good a book这么好的一本书;
such a good book这样一本好书;
第2个回答  2015-08-07
选择B。填such a good也是正确的。