以Water and Life为题写作文80字 谁能帮我啊


Water is the cradle of life. Sometimes people can live without food for several days. But nobody can live without water. Plants and animals also need water. When plants in the fields do not get enough water, they die. When animals in the forest can't fine water to drink, they also die. There is a lot of seawater in the world, but it can't be used for drinking, because it is mixed with much salt. Then, people try to keep water. Now, there are more and more people in the world. So, more and more water is needed. While some people try to keep water and control it, let all of us try to save water.水是生命的摇篮。有时人们几天不吃饭还可以生存,可是没有水就不行了。植物和动物也需要水。田里的庄稼得不到足够的水就会死亡;森林里的动物要是找不到水喝也会死亡。 世界上有大量的水,但海水不能饮用,因为里面混有许多盐分。于是,人们尽力储水。现在,世界上的人越来越多,这样就需要越来越多的水。