再帮忙翻译一下吧…急用啊… 翻译好可以追加的… 12.这位幸运的运动员将在奥运会的开幕式上发言(ceremony


3.即使你获得了极大成功也不应该看不起别人(even if)
6.尽管总统本人并不同意,这本书还是谈到了他的第一次婚姻(speak of)
9.小女孩的妈妈死后,她由她的阿姨照料(care for)
10.昨夜的风刮得十分猛烈,许多花和树叶都吹落了(fall of)

2.这个小男孩非常胆怯,他甚至害怕小鸟(be frightened of)
8.与大多数年轻人一样,比起古典音乐他更喜欢流行音乐(in common with)
10.一见到以前的班主任他心里就充满感激之情(be filled with)
11.她全身心地爱玛丽,好像就是她的一个家庭成员似的(as though)

The lucky athlete will give a speech on the opeing ceremony.

The book can be used by students whose native language is not English.
The reason why he didn't pass the driving license is that he lacks bravery and practice.
3.即使你获得了极大成功也不应该看不起别人(even if)
Even if you made great success, you shouldn't look down upon others.
While I get what you said, I still disagree with your opinion on this matter.
some of our states are as big as France and England together.
6.尽管总统本人并不同意,这本书还是谈到了他的第一次婚姻(speak of)
the book speaks of the President's first marriage although he didn't agree himself.
it is reported that there are food, medicine and clothes among the supplies sent to the flood-stricken areas.
Either you improve your work quickly or I will fire you.
9.小女孩的妈妈死后,她由她的阿姨照料(care for)
the little girl is cared for by her aunt after her mother died.
10.昨夜的风刮得十分猛烈,许多花和树叶都吹落了(fall of)
the wind last night was so strong that many flowers and leaves fell off.
where there is human's disaster, there is the volunteer service of Red Cross.
this is the car which I took to the village.

the conference began with the national anthem of the People's Republic of China
2.这个小男孩非常胆怯,他甚至害怕小鸟(be frightened of)
the little boy is very timid, and he is even frightened of birds.
the news that we have a day off tomorrow is not true.
scientists are developing a kind of material whose characteristic is similar as spiders' cobweb
the little princess fell into sleep with all the candles in the palace on.
they have produced sugar as much as last quarter.
MR Black wasn't set free from the prison until he was old and ill.
8.与大多数年轻人一样,比起古典音乐他更喜欢流行音乐(in common with)
in common with most young men, he prefers pop music to classic music
the accident occured due to the driver's going on driving after drunk.
10.一见到以前的班主任他心里就充满感激之情(be filled with)
he was filled with appreciation when he saw his previous head teacher.
11.她全身心地爱玛丽,好像就是她的一个家庭成员似的(as though)
she loved Mary with her full heart as though she were a family member
Newton put the watch into the pot carelessly while he was thinking about a difficult problem.

PS;你这些翻译打字打得我指甲都疼了 :(
第1个回答  2011-08-09
12.The lucky athlete will give a speech at the openning ceremony of the Olympics
1.This book is for students whose major is Chinese not English
2.The reason why he did not pass the driving test last week is a lack of courage and practice
3.Even if you have made a difference,you should not look down on others
4.While I know your ideas,I don't agree with you on this matter
5.The size of some of our states is as big as the size of France and Britain
6.Athough disagreed by the president,this book speaks of his marriage.
7.According to the report,among the goods to the flooding districts are food,medicine and clothes
8.you shall either improve your working abilities or get fired.
9.Her aunt cares for her after the death of the little girl's mother
10.Lots of flowers and leaves are fallen of due to the heavy blow last night
11.where there is hardships there is the volunteering service by the Red Cross
12.This is the car which I go by to the countyside

1.The meeting begins with the national anthem of the People's Republic of China.
2.The little boy is so timid that he si frightened of a bird.
3.Wether it is true that we will have a leave tomorrow
4.Scientists are developing a new kind of materials whose qualities are similar as spider's nets
5.With the lighting candles in the palace,little princess fall asleep
6.They have manufactuered sugers the quantity as twice as last season
7.Mr.black was set free from the prison until he was old and ill
8.He prefers pop music to classical music in common with most young men
9.This accident is occurred to the drunk driving
10.He is fiiled with thankfulness at the sight of his previous head teacher
11.She loves Mary with whole hearts as though Mary is one of her family members
12.Newton put his watch into the pan with water without intention while he was thinking
第2个回答  2011-08-09
12 lucky athletes who will speak on the Olympics opening ceremony (ceremony)

1. This book is for the native language is not English use (whose)
(2) he failed to pass the driving test last week, is due to a lack of courage and practice (reason)
3. Even if you get a great success and should not be looked down upon others (even if)
4 Even though I know you, I still do not agree with your opinion on this matter (while)
5. Some of our state as large as France and Britain together so much (as ... as)
6 Although the president himself does not agree that this book is about his first marriage (speak of)
7 It is reported that the items sent to flood areas in food, medicine and clothing (among)
8. Or as soon as possible to improve your work, or I fire you (either ... or)
9. The little girl's mother died, her aunt by her care (care for)
10. Last night the wind was very fierce, and many flowers and leaves are blown up (fall of)
11 Where there is human suffering, where there are members of the Red Cross Voluntary Service (where)
12. This is the day I take it to rural car (which)

1 The General Assembly's opening ceremony to the National Anthem began (begin)
2 This little boy is very timid, even afraid of his birds (be frightened of)
3. To take a day off tomorrow, the news is not true (that)
4. Scientists are developing a spider silk with the same characteristics of the material (similar ... as)
5 palaces in all of the candles are lit, little princess getting to sleep (with)
6. They have more than doubled sequentially to produce sugar (as ... as)
7. Mr. Black was sick until old age released from prison (until)
8. And most young people, he prefers classical music than pop music (in common with)
9 This is due to the accident drunk driver to continue driving due to (occur)
10 a former teacher to see his heart full of gratitude (be filled with)
11. She wholeheartedly Love Mary, as if she is like a family member (as though)
12 In considering the problem is that Newton does not care to watch into the pot filled with water (while)
第3个回答  2011-08-09

12 This lucky athlete will speak at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

1 This book is for the people whose language is native instead of English.

2 The reason why he couldn't pass the driving test last week was lack of courage and practice.
3.即使你获得了极大成功也不应该看不起别人(even if)
Even if you get a great success , you shouldn't look down upon others.

Although I understand you, while I disagree with on this matter.

Some of our states are as big as France together with Britan.
6.尽管总统本人并不同意,这本书还是谈到了他的第一次婚姻(speak of)
Although president himself disagreed, the book still spoke of his first marrige.
第4个回答  2011-08-09
12.这位幸运的运动员将在奥运会的开幕式上发言(ceremony)This lucky sportsman will make his speech on the opening ceremony of Olympic Games.

1.这本书是供本国语不是英语的学生用的(whose)This book is provided to those students whose native language is not English.
2.他未能通过上周驾驶考试的原因是由于缺乏胆量和实践(reason)The reason that he didn't pass the driving test last week is that he is lack of courage and practice.
3.即使你获得了极大成功也不应该看不起别人(even if)Even if you have got great success, you should not look down upon others.
4.尽管我懂你的话,我还是不同意你对这件事的意见(while)While I understand your words, I don't agree with your opinion on this matter.
5.我们的一些州大到有法国和英国加起来那么大(as…as)Some of our states are as big as the total of area of France and the UK.
6.尽管总统本人并不同意,这本书还是谈到了他的第一次婚姻(speak of)Although the president himself doesn't agree, this book speaks of his first marriage.
7.据报道送往洪灾地区的物品中有食物、药品和衣服(among)There are food, medicine and cloth among those goods sent to the flood areas according to the report.
8.要么尽快改进你的工作,要么我解雇你(either…or)Either you improve your work as soon as possible, or I would fire you.
9.小女孩的妈妈死后,她由她的阿姨照料(care for)After the death of the little girl's mum, her aunt takes care for her.
10.昨夜的风刮得十分猛烈,许多花和树叶都吹落了(fall of)The storm was very strong last night, a lot of flower and leaves were fallen of.
11.哪儿有人类的苦难,哪儿就有红十字会员的自愿服务(where)The volunteer service from Red Cross member appears where there human suffers.
12.这就是我那天乘坐它去农村的那辆车(which)This is the vehicle, by which I went to the villiage that day.

1.大会的开幕式以中华人民共和国国歌开始(begin)The conference begins with national anthem of People Republic of China.
2.这个小男孩非常胆怯,他甚至害怕小鸟(be frightened of)This little boy is cravenly, and he is even frightened of bird.
3.明天要放一天假的消息不是真的(that)The message that there will be a day off tomorrow is not true.
4.科学家正在发展一种与蜘蛛丝有相同特性的材料(similar…as)The scientist is developing a similar material as spider's thread.
5.宫殿里所有的蜡烛都亮着,小公主渐渐进入梦乡(with)The little princess fell to sleep with all candles were lighten on in the palace.
6.他们已生产出比上一季度多一倍的糖(as…as)The sugar they have produced is as 2 times as last quarter.
7.布莱克先生直到老年多病才从监狱放出来(until)Mr. Black wasn't free from prison until he gets old with many years' illness.
8.与大多数年轻人一样,比起古典音乐他更喜欢流行音乐(in common with)He that is in common with the most of young people likes pop music more than classic music.
9.这起交通事故是由于司机醉酒后继续驾驶造成的(occur)This traffic accident occurs due to the driver's drunk driving.
10.一见到以前的班主任他心里就充满感激之情(be filled with)He is filled with grateful once he saw his previous tutor.
11.她全身心地爱玛丽,好像就是她的一个家庭成员似的(as though)She likes Mary with all her love, as though she is one of the family members.
12.在考虑难题是,牛顿不小心把手表放进盛满水的锅里(while)While thinking the puzzle, Newton accidently put the watch into the boiler with full of water. (put是过去时态)
