英语完形填空(As the train arrived the seaside town where Iwas going to spend my holidays


As the train approached the seaside town where I was going to spend my holidays, I went into the corridor to __36__ my legs. I stayed there a short while, breathing in the fresh sea air and __37__ a few words with one of the passengers, whom I had met earlier on the __38__.
When I turned to go back to __39__, I happened to glance into the compartment (车厢) next to mine. Sitting there was a man who many years before had been my neighbor. He was a great __40__, I remembered; it used to take hours to __41__ him once he began a conversation. I was not at all __42__ when he went to live in another part of London. We had not met since then, __43__ did I wish to meet him now, when __44__ was about to begin.
Luckily at that moment he was __45__ busy talking to the man opposite him to catch sight of me. I slipped back into my compartment, took down my two suitcases and carried them to the far end of the corridor so as to be ready to __46__ the train as soon as it stopped. The moment the train came to a halt (停止), I called a porter, who in no time at all had carried my luggage out of the station and __47__ me a taxi. As I drove towards my small hotel on the outskirts of the town, I breathed a deep sigh of relief at my__48__. There was little chance that I should __49__ my boring ex-neighbor again.
When I reached the hotel, I went __50__ to my room and rested there until it was time for dinner. Then I went down to the dining room and __51__ a drink. I had barely raised the glass to my lips __52__ an all too familiar voice greeted me. I had not escaped from the tiresome neighbor __53__! He grasped me warmly by the hand and insisted that we __54__ a table in the dinning-room. “This is a pleasant __55__,” he said. “I never expected to see you again after all these years.”
第1个回答  2011-08-15
是在arrived后面有空格的吧? 应该填at ,因为the seaside town 是小地方,如果是大地方比如伦敦,则填in , 希望为你解答了疑惑
第2个回答  2011-08-15
第3个回答  2011-08-15
As the train arrived___(at) the seaside town where I was going to spend my holidays
第4个回答  2012-10-14