

11-15 BABCA 16-20ABABC
21-25 DADCB 26-30 BABAC
31-35 CCBAD 36-40CBDBA 41-45CABCA 46-50 DBDCD 51-55DADCB 56-60 CCCAB
61-65 ACADA 66-70 DBBBC
71-75 CDBCA
76. Becausehe is dyslexic.
77. Beforethe age of 17, Tom Williams had difficulty reading and writing.
78. Isometimes have difficulty in reading
79. Toget dyslexics better understood by people.
80. HowTom Williams overcame dyslexia and became an author.
One possible version:
As you can see in the picture, an old
man has fallen down on the groundaccidentally, but the passers-by are unwilling to help him for fear that they willbe misunderstood and get into trouble. However, in my opinion, we should give ahand to the aged people who need help.
Forone thing, helping and taking care of the old is one of China's traditionalvirtues, which should be encouraged all the time. For another, nobody in theworld can live without care and help from others. When we are in trouble, wealso need others' help. Meanwhile, efforts should be made to protect those whoprovide help. Only in this way can we make the world a better place to live infor everyone.