高中英语。为什么用as不用that.such as. Such that. 分别在什么情况使用


1. such/so...that 中的that是连接词,连接状语从句的
e.g. He is such a clever boy that everyone likes him.
He is so clever that everyone likes him.

such...as/that 的话,as/that是连接定语从句的

I want such a pen as you have. 我要一支你这样的笔(类似)
I want such a pen that you have.我要你这支笔(就是你的这支)

2. as...as 用于肯定的比较状语从句
so ...as 用于否定和疑问的比较状语从句
比较从句中so与that没关系,这个句型中such 也没份。
The book is as thick as that one.
The book is not so thick as that one.

3. You are so young that you can't go to school.
You are not so old enough as to go to school.

4. 定语从句中。当先行词。前有such..the same ..修饰、先行词和关系代词指同一物时。必须用that。
这种情况中,such...that/as 都可用,就如上面
such...as/that 的话,as/that是连接定语从句的

I want such a pen as you have. 我要一支你这样的笔(类似)
I want such a pen that you have.我要你这支笔(就是你的这支)

而the same ...as 和the same ...that 中的as / that 跟上面的例句一样区别。
第1个回答  2014-01-26
that引导从句可做主语宾语,such as中文翻译是例如,在句子中只起到引导作用,such that就不大好说了。。。。用排除法做只能选as
第2个回答  2014-01-26
第3个回答  2014-01-26
用as是因为THAT不能做主语, such as 是举例的时候用