

高三第一轮复习资料 英语
2012 年高三第一轮复习资料 英语
Module 1 Unit 1
1. cooking;cook 2. respect;respectable;respectful 3. prepare;preparation 4. introduce;introduction 
5. experience;experienced 6. challenging;challenge 7. achieve;achievement 8. immediately 9. donate;
donation 10. display 11. kindness;kind 12. dynasty 13. professor 14. approve;approval 15. broadcast;
broadcast;broadcast 16. culture;cultural 17. develop;development 18. literature 19. require;requirement 
20. scary;scare
1. attend assembly 2. earn respect 3. achieve high scores 4. drop some subjects 5. experience a different
way of life 6. for free 7. on average 8. surf the Internet 9. be late for an appointment 10. be available for 
11. thank sb. for his/ her kindness 12. donate . . . to sb.  13. graduate from university 14. pay attention to 
15. inform sb. of / about sth.  16. make a speech 17. all year round 18. first of all 19. sound like 20. used to
do sth.
1. 1)due to lack of experience 2)a new experience for me 3)experience things 4)the most experienced
2. 1)regret to inform 2)regretted lying 3)to my regret
3. 1)褪色 2)经营 3)操作 4)run out 5)running away 6)ran into 7)ran across / ran into 8)run
ning after
4. 1)inform us what 2)inform me how 3)inform us of / about 4)inform you that
5. 1)preparing lunch 2)prepare for 3)prepare;to face / for 4)preparing to 5)prepared to do 6)pre
pared 7)preparations
6. 1)处理 2)照顾 3)join 4)join in / take part in 5)attended 6)joined
7. 1)has developed a habit 2)develop the national economy 3)had;developed 4)develops 5)Devel
oped countries;developing countries 6)development
8. 1)需要 2)要求 3)required / demanded / requested 4)demanded 5)demanded 6)required 
7)request 8)requires 9)requirements
9. 1)approve of 2)approved as 3)approving 4)approval
10. 1)used to 2)be used to 3)are used to
11. 1)His idea sounds really practical.  2)sounded like 3)sounded as if
12. 1)多于 2)非常 3)与其说,不如说 4)仅仅,只不过 5)不比我合适(两个都不合适) 6)没我合适
1. 1)主语 2)宾补 3)定语 4)状语 5)表语
2. 1)As soon as he / The moment he / Immediately he 2)动名词或名词;句子
30 分钟实战演练
1. respect  2. immediately  3. attend  4. challenging  5. broadcast  6. regretted  7. continued  ................是这个不?你要pdf版的还是txt版的?
第1个回答  2011-08-07
第2个回答  2011-08-07